Photo Contest
(Redirected from Photocontest)

- Tag your uploads with Category:Photo Contest 2011
Contest is now over, but join us on Wednesday, June 8th @ the Mezz coffee shop above Wholefoods Pearl for awards! The contest has ended, as well as the deadline for uploaded photos. We are moving through the photos with an eye toward the most artistic and difficult shots.
Photos Uploaded
Please fix if my calculations are in error! -kotra
Mark |
Sylvia |
Matthew | Sam |
Alice |
kotra |
Total |
56 | 4 | 47 47 |
22 | 16 | 56 | 248
great photos! |
- Add your photo creativity to the semantic web Join in its first annual Photo Contest!
- The Portland Wiki Photo Contest is a one day event for contributors and visitors of to take snapshots and photographs that can be used as support imagery for a page or topic on the wiki. The goal is to inspire civic activism and artistic expression by challenging participants to capture personal and/or original photography for use at PortlandWiki. Due to the size and depth of knowledge that this wiki strives to fill, there is always a need for image and photographic support PortlandWiki's vibrancy and unique contributions!
- Your photos will help us make PortlandWiki a vibrant site for information all about Portland. Your contributions on this public spot will also provide visibility for your creativity. Plus, as we like to say: "Let's make the web be more local. Let's keep Portland Wiki!"
- * Saturday, June 4th, 2011, from 9am-5pm.
- * Photos qualifying for contest prizes must be taken between 9am-5pm on June 4th and must be uploaded by 12:01am Monday, June 6th.
- We will scour the city of Portland to capture photographically the latest and greatest it has to offer. From pictures of streets, to favorite local cocktails, help us show what our city can do.
- We'll kick start this event Saturday, June 4th with a 10am-10:30am meet up at The Mezz Espresso Bar, NW 12th/Burnside (inside Whole Foods). We'll pass out press badges and share details about photo uploading and prizes.
- If you'd like to get started on your own that's good, too! Just follow the instructions below under "HOW."
- Anyone is welcome to participate! We encourage participants who live in or near Portland to contribute their amateur or professional talent. Anyone with a cellphone or camera can take a photo to share. Together, there are no limits to how many photos and topics we can generate! Minors should have permission from a parent or guardian to participate. (FYI: The scavenger hunt idea has been scrapped.)
- First, register as a competitor by emailing us at with your name and phone number, or register at the Saturday morning kick off. This will let is know from who we may expect to see uploaded contest photos on the wiki. It'll also allow us to follow up with you on information about the contest and prizes.
- Second, check out some of the pages on PortlandWiki for ideas and topics that could use some photo or imagery links. If you've got other ideas on cool Portland images, you could create a new wiki page on a topic of your choosing. We also encourage you to add new or updated information to wiki pages. It's easy to do and we're here to help!
- Third, for contest eligibility, take photos across Portland on Saturday, June 4th from 9am-5pm. At the end of the day for anyone who is interested, we'll get together for a drink and photo sharing stories, location TBA. Note: If you are not interested in the contest for prizes but want to contribute your photos to PortlandWiki, we welcome those at anytime, too!
- Fourth, for contest eligibility,upload images to PortlandWiki by Monday, June 6th by 12:01am. To upload images to PortlandWiki, you will need to login or create an account. Once you are logged in, an "Upload File" and an "Upload multiple files" link will appear on the left navigation bar. Click and follow the upload file instructions. If you remember to, please add [[Category:Photo Contest 2011]] in the summary field! We'll take care of the rest.
- Images may be submitted in the following formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, svg.
- Files can be no larger than 7MB.
- Licensing: PortlandWiki operates under Creative Commons licensing. If you wish to change the use of your images on PortlandWiki, see MediaWiki License options. See weblog post:
- Duplicate postings: It is possible that two or more photographers may upload similar images for use on the same wiki page. While there is no limit in the wiki world to how many images may be posted on a page, we encourage your creativity in posting diverse images on any page and across the site.
- Contest help: If you run into any difficulties along the way, we can help. Contact Kotra (talk), Matthew (talk) or MarkDilley (talk).
- Contest winners will receive downloadable winner badges for bragging rights on your blog, Facebook page or Twitter profile! Plus a front page banner and a standing ovation video of your "best of show" work! Yeah, baby!
- Award announcements will take place at WikiWednesday on June 8th at 6:30pm at The Mezz Espresso Bar, NW 12th/Burnside (inside Whole Foods).