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Please play with the wiki here! You can't hurt anything here - feel free to mess around!
Please play with the wiki here! You can't hurt anything here - feel free to mess around!
== Display Popular Pages ==
;This doesn't work
: '''Might try...'''
:: [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:TopTenPages|Extension:TopTenPages]]
:: [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:Semantic Drilldown|Extension:Semantic Drilldown]]

== Last Five Recent Changes Entries ==
== Last Five Recent Changes Entries ==

Revision as of 14:35, 24 September 2011

Please play with the wiki here! You can't hurt anything here - feel free to mess around!

Display Popular Pages

This doesn't work




Might try...
Extension:Semantic Drilldown

Last Five Recent Changes Entries

No changes during the given period match these criteria.

Instant Commons & Transclusion Tests

Frustrated that I can't get InterWiki to work :-(
Looks like both the CamelCase and non-camelcase versions must reside in the InterWiki Table before the CamelCase version will function. -WikiMaster (talk) 04:57, 9 August 2011 (UTC)

Comments Threads

<comments />

Kotra said ...

kotra (talk) at 03:11, 30 August 2011 (UTC)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus faucibus purus mollis leo venenatis lacinia. Phasellus accumsan porttitor imperdiet. Quisque ut lectus et nulla scelerisque pellentesque. Cras congue semper lacus, vitae pharetra sem vulputate non. Mauris neque nulla, porttitor non scelerisque id, lacinia vitae ligula. Pellentesque ut varius erat. Etiam ut viverra velit. Nunc vel magna ac neque tristique sodales quis a ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean commodo, erat vel cursus fermentum, dolor augue ultrices felis, in varius orci tellus a velit. Etiam eleifend sapien quis arcu sagittis at lacinia leo adipiscing. Donec et nulla felis, vitae lacinia tellus. Suspendisse sollicitudin odio vel erat dictum ac pretium sem fermentum. Pellentesque ac tellus sit amet magna mattis scelerisque. Nunc vel metus sem. Vivamus pretium arcu eget turpis vestibulum nec tempor enim dapibus.

Kotra said ...

kotra (talk) at 03:30, 30 August 2011 (UTC)

They soon discovered that the Saw-Horse limped, for his new leg was a trifle too long. So they were obliged to halt while the Tin Woodman chopped it down with his axe, after which the wooden steed paced along more comfortably. But the Saw-Horse was not entirely satisfied, even yet.

"It was a shame that I broke my other leg!" it growled.

"On the contrary," airily remarked the Woggle-Bug, who was walking alongside, "you should consider the accident most fortunate. For a horse is never of much use until he has been broken."

"I beg your pardon," said Tip, rather provoked, for he felt a warm interest in both the Saw-Horse and his man Jack; "but permit me to say that your joke is a poor one, and as old as it is poor."

"Still, it is a Joke," declared the Woggle-Bug; firmly, "and a Joke derived from a play upon words is considered among educated people to be eminently proper."

Dave said ...

<comment date="2014-06-08T23:55:02Z" name="Dave" url="" signature="WikiMaster (talk)"> Does this extension still function? </comment>