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== News ==
== News ==
=== Sunday | March 20, 2011 ===
[[File:Bradley-Manning Truth-Is-Our-Authority.jpg|thumb|American hero.]]
'''Bradley Manning Freedom Rally'''<br />
''And direct action event.''<br />
Army Private First Class Bradley Manning is a genuine American hero. He is the presumed whistleblower who provided documented evidence of serious war crimes and other abuses perpetrated by U.S. military and non-military forces operating in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Those crimes and abuses included those documented in a video showing U.S. helicopter gunship troops slaughtering close to a dozen Iraqi civilian non-combatants.<ref>[http://www.collateralmurder.com/ Collateral Murder]</ref> Manning, 23, has endured nearly 300 days of solitary confinement under conditions described as "torture."<ref>[http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-03-10/news/bs-ed-smith-20110310_1_torturing-brig-officials-bradley-manning Why is the United States torturing Private Manning?]</ref> Tomorrow you are invited to join [[Veterans For Peace]], [[Iraq Veterans Against the War]], [[Code Pink Portland]], the [[Surge Protection Brigade]] and others calling for the government to "Arrest the Real Criminals, Free Bradley Manning!" The rally includes a short march to the site of a direct action to raise awareness and support for Manning.
* '''What''': Bradley Manning Freedom Rally
* '''Where''': [[Director Park]]
* '''Address''': [[Downtown]] [[Portland]]: 815 [[SW Park Avenue]] (between SW Yamhill & SW Taylor Streets), Portland, Oregon
* '''Day''': Monday, March 21st, 2011
* '''Time''': 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
:''Go to event RSVP page'': [http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=196273043740994 Bradley Manning Freedom Rally]
:''Go to story'': [http://www.politicolnews.com/private-manning-and-abu-ghraib-tactics/ Private Manning and Abu Ghraib Tactics]
:''Go to story'': [http://www.anorak.co.uk/275325/politicians/bradley-manning-is-stripped-at-night-and-made-to-stand-naked-by-his-cell-tortured-for-his-own-good.html Bradley Manning Is Stripped At Night And Made To Stand Naked By His Cell: Tortured For His Own Good]

=== Saturday | March 19, 2011 ===
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[[File:Rally For Peace Flyer.png|thumb|Occupy [[Pioneer Courthouse Square]] for peace.]]
'''Today's Antiwar Rally: The Egyptian People Set The Example'''<br />
Cairo's Tahrir Square<ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Egyptian_Revolution 2011 Egyptian revolution]</ref> is the current model for pushing back oppressive regimes. Can we make [[Pioneer Courthouse Square]] the same?
* '''What''': Antiwar Rally & March
* '''Where''': [[Pioneer Courthouse Square]]
* '''Address''': [[Downtown]] [[Portland]]: 715 [[SW Morrison Street]], Portland, OR 97205
* '''Day''': TODAY! Saturday, March 19th, 2011
* '''Time''': 12:30-1:30 p.m.
:''Go to story'': [[Rally For Peace]]
=== Friday | March 18, 2011 ===
[[File:GreenBeer.JPG|thumb|The food coloring gives it an extra kick, you say? How about a head-on collision? Photo by [[Commons:User:Jonathunder|Jonathunder]].]]
'''St Patrick's Portland legacy: 16 drunk driving arrests'''<br />
Sixteen drunk celebrators were arrested for driving last night, according to [[Oregon State Police]]. While the arrests were three fewer than last year, any of the sixteen could have found their green beer-lubricated partying suddenly cut short by a fatal accident. Designating a driver, taking a [[bus]] or the [[MAX]], or calling a taxi are options that still remain ignored by some reckless assholes that would rather risk taking the lives of innocent bystanders than shell out a few bucks or endure the inconvenience of waiting a few minutes for a bus or taxi. Fortunately, there were no fatal accidents last night, but next year the "Luck of the Irish" may run out.
:''Go to story'': [http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2011/03/on_st_patricks_day_16_drink_dr.html On St. Patrick's Day, 16 drink, drive and get arrested]
=== Thursday | March 17, 2011 ===
[[File:Small Potatoes.jpg|thumb|Small Potatoes]]
'''Small Potatoes'''<br />
Ah, the luck of the Irish!<ref>[http://www.cracked.com/article_16017_6-reasons-irish-arent-so-lucky.html 6 Reasons the Irish Aren't So Lucky]</ref> Whether it's boatloads of unruly Vikings storming the Celtic Isle to enslave its "blooming, lively women" and carry them off to parts unknown "over the broad green sea,"<ref>[http://skyelander.orgfree.com/celts13.html Ancient Celtic Warriors: Vikings and Irish at War]</ref> or planeloads of rapacious neoliberal plunderers swarming in to loot the entire economy,<ref>[http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/46634 Ireland: Neoliberalism a total failure]</ref> it's the Irish people who're always caught one leaf short of a four leaf clover. But today is Saint Patty's Day! It's OK to drown your sorrows in ale and dance and cheer. And thank ol' St. Patty that you're (for now) spared the luck of the Japanese.
:''Go to story'': [http://sites.google.com/site/stpatrickpdx/ St. Patrick Catholic Church].
=== Wednesday | March 16, 2011 ===
[[File:Radiating Peace.jpg|thumb|Radiating Peace]]
'''Bleached Bones And Jumbled Residues'''<br />
The nature of the most dangerous cults is that "they are led by unstable, power-wielding authoritarians who believe they alone know the true answers and can change the fate of the world."<ref>[http://www.rickross.com/reference/scientology/Scien78.html The power of persuasion: 900 deaths left an unforgettable legacy]</ref> Shortly after the Dear Leader <ref>[http://www.artsjournal.com/herman/2005/02/dear_leaders_faith_in_deceit.html Dear Leader's Faith In Deceit]</ref> steps into the "emotional abyss," the people follow. Whether the cult leader is a charlatan preacher promising a "socialist paradise,"<ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones#Jonestown.27s_formation_and_operation Jim Jones: Jonestown's formation and operation]</ref> or a b-grade movie actor ''cum'' U.S. President<ref>[http://hubpages.com/hub/Ronald-Reagan-From-Actor-to-President Ronald Reagan: From Actor to President]</ref> announcing "morning in America,"<ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_in_America Morning in America]</ref> the delusional fantasy always ends badly. The people become upset, and the poison Kool-Aid is dispensed.<ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_the_Kool-Aid Drinking the Kool-Aid]</ref> Absurd economic dogmas<ref>[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE6DA173BF932A25756C0A960948260&pagewanted=all In The Land Of The Magic Asterisk]</ref>, crafted by the most mendacious and powermad among us, are enforced. Wars without end are launched. A torture regime is set in motion.<ref>[http://www.politicolnews.com/private-manning-and-abu-ghraib-tactics/ Private Manning and Abu Ghraib Tactics]</ref> Economic war is declared on working people.<ref>[http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/02/18/robert_reich_republican_strategy The real Republican strategy: The anti-union push in Wisconsin is part of a broader national effort by the GOP]</ref> Fortunately you're invited to cheer up and bring all that gloomy madness to a screeching halt with a lazy Saturday afternoon [[Rally For Peace|march and rally]] this weekend!
* '''What''': Antiwar Rally & March
* '''Where''': [[Pioneer Courthouse Square]]
* '''Address''': [[Downtown]] [[Portland]]: 715 [[SW Morrison Street]], Portland, OR 97205-3103
* '''Day''': Saturday, March 19th, 2011
* '''Time''': 12:30-1:30 p.m.
:''Go to story'': [[Rally For Peace]]
=== Tuesday | March 15, 2011 ===
[[File:PortlandConventionCenter.jpg|thumb|Oregon Convention Center, the venue. Photo by [[wikipedia:User:Cacophony|Cacophony]].]]
'''April Fools: [[Metro]] invites the public to climate summit on April 1, but makes attendance inconvenient'''<br />
Metro, the Oregon agency that supports the Oregon parts of the [[Portland Metro Area]], is hosting a climate summit on April 1 that is free and open to the public. The event is intended to bring together local planners, elected officials, and the public to discuss climate strategies. However, scheduled at 8am-12pm on a Friday, and with an unnecessary but required registration, very few interested citizens will likely be able to peek their heads inside. The stated goal to "Learn about public attitudes about climate change" seems insincere when, as usual, convenience for public attendance is either ignored or intentionally discouraged.
:''Go to story'': [http://portlandtribune.com/sustainable/story.php?story_id=130014360066073500 Metro hosts Climate Summit]
:''Calendar page with details and registration (required, though free)'': [http://calendar.oregonmetro.gov/events/index.php?com=detail&eID=3938 Calendar]
=== Monday | March 14, 2011 ===
[[File:Us energy consumption by energy source-large.jpg|thumb|[http://www.eia.doe.gov/energy_in_brief/renewable_energy.cfm US energy consumption by energy source.]]]
'''More Logos<ref>[http://s3.moveon.org/images/rally-logos.png Defend the (American) Dream logos.]</ref>: Desperately Clinging To The "American Dream"'''<br />
These days lots of hands are wrung over the notion of the demise of the American "middle class" and accompanying disappearance of the fabled "American Dream."<ref>[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/1a8a5cb2-9ab2-11df-87e6-00144feab49a.html#axzz1GbOeqge8 The crisis of middle-class America]</ref> Fretting gets evermore earnest as the Great Recession continues to plague most Americans, even as rapacious profiteering by Wall Street's casino operators and corporate chieftains becomes evermore blatant and obscene. But dreams of maintaining lifestyles propped up by massive energy consumption,<ref>[http://www.eredux.com/states/index.php Interactive United States Energy Use Comparisons]</ref><ref>[http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wb-wdi&ctype=l&strail=false&nselm=h&met_y=eg_use_pcap_kg_oe&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=country&idim=country:USA:GBR:DEU:FRA:ESP:PRT:CHN:ITA:IND:SWE:CHE:NOR:FIN:ZAR:COG:ECU:CHL:EGY:CAN:MEX:SGP:KOR:HKG:RUS:TUR:ISL:JPN:IRN&tstart=-315619200000&tunit=Y&tlen=47&hl=en&dl=en Energy use per capita: Primary energy use (before transformation to other end-use fuels) in kilograms of oil equivalent, per capita.]</ref> corporate owned media-induced hallucinations and vacuous consumerism have profound consequences. Among them: endless resource wars, catastrophic ecological collapse, nuclear reactor meltdowns, and widespread ignorance of how and why such havoc persists. If we hope to continue living on this planet, has the time come for an alternate American Dream to emerge? One that doesn't require industrial war mongers and criminal casino operators? One that the whole world can admire? One that is more fulfilling and results in happier people?<br />
Still wanna try and salvage the "American Dream"? Go at it:
: '''Save the American Dream!<ref>[http://pol.moveon.org/event/events/index.html?action_id=239&id=&search_distance=200&search_zip=97205&submit=Search Defend the Dream Action]</ref>'''
* Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 5:30 p.m.
* Terry Schrunk Plaza, SW 3rd & Madison
* 1200 SW 3rd Ave., Portland, OR 97204
:''Go to rally page'': [http://pol.moveon.org/event/events/index.html?action_id=239&id=&search_distance=200&search_zip=97205&submit=Search Defend the Dream Action]
:''Go to story'': [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Dream American Dream]
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== References ==
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Latest revision as of 12:16, 26 July 2011