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Thursday | November 4, 2010

Empire's decline.

"Ungovernable" State Government Gets Governor
Political scientists claim "cosmic joke" will lead to "bloodbath of hostility, recrimination, backbiting, claims and counterclaims, the worst of what ordinary citizens think of politicians."

Go to story: Portland-area ballots boost Kitzhaber past Dudley in Oregon

Wednesday | November 3, 2010

Election Night Oregon

Teabag Takeover Stops Short
Although the "grassroots" national-corporatist forces handily blitzkrieged the U.S. House, the thunderous goose-steps appear to have halted short of a full Senate takeover. Some economists worry that absence of a full totalitarian mandate may slow predator drone production and delay construction of new forced labor camps, retarding growth in the emerging soylent green economy.

Go to story: TEA PARTY: From Fringe Element To Power Player

Tuesday | November 2, 2010

Find this box and stuff it.

Today Is "Stuff Your Ballot In A Box" Day!
In a free and open society like ours, we have the rare privilege of voting for the elite factions who have done the cleverest job at deluding us with outrageous campaign spending, financed by filthy outside lucre blessed by the Supreme Court of the United States. If you haven't done so already, go find a ballot box near you and stuff it.

Go to Official Ballot Drop Sites page: Official Ballot Drop Sites
Call the Election Protection hotline: 1 (866) OUR-VOTE
Go to stories:

Monday | November 1, 2010

Hello. We're public servants and we're here to help you.

Portland Cops: Ours Vs. Theirs
Maybe if cops from Portland, Maine's police department had gotten hold of James Chasse they wouldn't have beaten him to a bloody pulp and left him to die. On the other hand, if not for our cops, who could we depend on to shoot little 12 year-old girls waiting for the next MAX train?

Go to stories:

Sunday | October 31, 2010

"I am not a witch."

Happy Halloween!
Are "scary" Tea Party candidates sending voters running back into the arms of the Democratic Party? Despite $1.7 billion spent on TV ads that "Republican and Tea Party candidates are streaming now all over America," it's the "Halloween theme" that is "doing more to turn off voters than turning them on to the Republican's ultra-conservative message." For instance, the "I am not a witch" message put out by Delaware's Tea Party candidate, Christine O’Donnell, "is viewed by political analysts as one of the strangest ever."

Go to story: Democratic comeback “scares” GOP as election nears

Saturday | October 30, 2010

OMG!!! Scary sockpuppet!

Right-wing blogger denounces "glossy election porn" while shilling for dens of iniquity. Meanwhile other right-wing astro turfers for the Prison Industrial Complex "were indicted Tuesday on accusations they forged voter signatures on two initiative petitions." Isn't it more intelligent to say "to hell with gambling casinos and more prisons" and vote for Voter-Owned Elections?

Go to stories:

Friday | October 29, 2010

Donkey delivery services.

How long does it take mail to go from San Francisco to Portland, Oregon?
Question: If I put an envelope in a mailbox in San Francisco at like 9:30 on Thursday night, when will it arrive at its destination in Portland, Oregon? (asked by "justcoollikedat")
Best answer: "one week" (answered by "xtina")

Go to story: How long does it take mail to go from San Francisco to Portland, Oregon?

(Go to older news stories >>>)