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Saturday | December 4, 2010

Clean Coal

Boardman Buys Itself Another Decade
Oregon regulators are endorsing Portland General Electric's plan to close its coal-fired power plant at Boardman by Dec. 31, 2020. The state Department of Environmental Quality says Boardman's guaranteed "early closure date" lets it off the hook for investing in expensive new pollution controls. The Boardman plant opened in 1977.

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Friday | December 3, 2010

"Think Big, Publish Widely"

Memo To Confidential Document Writers: "Think Big"
WikiLeaks, the publisher of "leaked documents alleging government and corporate misconduct," continues to help confidential document writers find wider audiences. PortlandWiki contributor and wiki inventor, Ward Cunningham, observes that "the authors of diplomatic dispatches thought that they were talking to a small audience, not the world." Cunningham adds "I'm proud of the fact that wiki has given a voice to new authors."

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Thursday | December 2, 2010

Bursting the bubble house.

Blowing Bubbles
PortlandWikiNews is shocked! just shocked! to discover that communities--like Portland and Las Vegas--which supposedly "benefited" in the (now disgraced and deflated) housing bubble have taken some of the worst economic hits after the bubble's inevitable burst. According to University of Oregon economics professor Tim Duy, "in late 1980s and early 1990s, manufacturing was really important, particularly high-tech manufacturing. But in this last decade, it was all about housing." Ironically, in this most recent economic crash, "rust belt" manufacturing hubs like Detroit have fared relatively well compared to cities like Portland or Las Vegas, which experienced real estate speculation and were thus deeply affected by the bursting housing bubble.

Go to story: Las Vegas, Portland among cities hardest hit by recession

Wednesday | December 1, 2010

Mt. Angel Brewing Company Root Beer

We've All Gotta Die Someday
Yup. Even you. But before you die, Portland Octopus urges you to try Mt. Angel Brewing Company's root beer.
Go to story: Before you die: You Must Try this Root Beer!

Tuesday | November 30, 2010

Breathe deeply and tune in to your "inner criminal."

Rainbow Coalition Of Crime
"This is the first time Adams has ever been so curt toward Oregon's would-be white bigots, saying, basically, 'Chill out white people, because if we're pointing fingers, we're not so great.' Adams is white himself, so presumably he'll be less vulnerable to the manufactured outrage to be leveled at him.... In the meantime, try and think of a time any other white politician was so bracingly direct when speaking to his mostly white constituency about anti-Muslim hysteria."

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Monday | November 29, 2010

Bereft of soul, the Atlas Shrugs Girl bares her body instead.

The Truth Revealed! Now We Know Why "They Hate Us"!
A tireless PortlandWikiLeaks investigation has uncovered the honest to Allah truthful answer to "why they hate us." Winds Of Jihad[1] comment contributor, aussiegirl, informs us that "Once again Islam has to make out ITS the victim!!! when in reality they are all taught to hate us at their mosques." But wait, there's more! "Hate monger and anti-mosque queen bee"[2] Pamela Geller is kind enough, despite standing accused as a "geriatric Paris Hilton knock-off with...too-oft-seen cleavage,"[3] to bare her soul, uh, breasts in order to tip off unsuspecting Portlandians with the latest diabolical intrigues perpetrated by Portland's "communist elected officials."

Go to story: Portland Mayor Tom Potter and City Council Assisted Muslim Teen Terrorist in Plot to Blow up 25,000 Americans

Sunday | November 28, 2010

Why do they hate us?

Haters: What Makes Them Hate?
Once again, the troubling question arises: How can someone witness the brutality, violence, torture, hatred, greed, envy, lust, tyranny, depravity, wars, invasions, ethnic cleansings, squalor, misery and decay that humans perpetrate upon one another and then decide to "hate"?

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