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Thursday | February 3, 2011

The rabbit is one of the 12 signs in the Chinese Zodiac.

Welcome to the Year of the Metal Rabbit
Today is the beginning of the Chinese and Vietnamese (Tết) New Year, marking the beginning of the year of the Metal Rabbit, according to the Chinese Zodiac (year of the Cat in Vietnamese Zodiac). Astrological predictions of rabbit years include associations with "home and family, artistic pursuits, diplomacy, and keeping the peace", and conversely that "nations will also become more insular and increasingly lock down their borders to protect against the 'other'". This Saturday will have many free activities and celebrations.

Go to events listing (celebrations this Saturday): Chinese and Vietnamese New Year events
Go to astrology explanation: The Year of the Rabbit: Chinese Horoscope Predictions for 4709 - 2011
Go to astrology explanation: Chinese New Year 2011 - The Year of Golden White Rabbit

Wednesday | February 2, 2011

Dinosaur, Colorado: "A Very Real Town."

PDX Out-Migration Fuels Fossil
Local slacker/hipster has "grown tired of Portland" and plans to relocate to Dinosaur, Colorado, a "very real town."

Go to story: I've grown tired of Portland, so I'm moving to Dinosaur, Co. A very real town.
Go to very real town: Dinosaur, Colorado

Tuesday | February 1, 2011

Gov. Kitzhaber releases state budget proposal, responding to funding crisis with further cuts to education, health
The budget Kitzhaber offers would include cuts to Oregon's already ailing K-12 education, reducing teachers and increasing class sizes. Also Oregon Health Plan, the same program Kitzhaber started in the mid-90s, would have cuts. According to OPB, "doctors would be paid less to treat Oregon Health Plan patients and fewer treatments would be covered." Since it was conceived, people who have relied on Oregon Health Plan have experienced several critical cuts in their health care, including a massive cut in 2003 that attracted national attention, when 100,000 people in mental health and/or substance abuse treatment lost their prescription coverage.

Go to story: Kitzhaber Says Budget Will Require 'Shared Sacrifices'

Monday | January 31, 2011

Green and off-green germ warriors.

Feds Want To Roll More Green
A number of Federal agencies are already familiar with the color green. Whether it's an alert code stuck at the very bottom of Dept. Homeland Security's Terror Alert System[1], or the hue of endless piles of loot shoveled into the black hole of a failed financial system, green is the new black as far as the Feds are concerned. Now they want to raise the green bar high on their own supply. Supply chain, that is. And you can participate! The White House Council on Environmental Quality and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) are co-sponsoring a "Greening the Supply Chain Roundtable" tomorrow in Portland at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) Auditorium (1945 SE Water Avenue, Portland, OR 97214). The event is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2011; 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM. Wanna join the fun? Visit Greening the Supply Chain Roundtable to sign up.

Go to story: Obama administration looks to greening federal supply chain
Go to sign-up form: Greening the Supply Chain Roundtable

Sunday | January 30, 2011

Oregon State Bank

Public Forum: Oregon State Bank Bill | Tuesday February 1st, 2011
Did you know that an "Oregon State Bank could offer 6 percent credit cards and 6 percent certificates of deposit, much better than any private bank offers"? In fact, low-interest credit loans and high-interest savings are not the only potential benefits a state bank can offer the citizens of the state it serves. A state bank is potentially free to align its mission with the interests of that state's many and diverse communities, rather than the short-term interests of a small group of profit-seeking shareholders. You can learn about the other benefits a state bank can offer Oregonians at an upcoming public forum focused on the Oregon State Bank Bill.

Go to email announcement: Oregon State Bank Bill - Public Forum - Tuesday February 1st, 2011
Go to story: Why a state bank makes sense
Go to blog: Public Banking Institute's Public Banking Blog
Go to story: Are State-Run Banks a Good Option?

Saturday | January 29, 2011

Image: Inside Story - Egypt: The youth perspective

Egyptian Uprising Sparks Sympathy Protests In Portland, Elsewhere
"The uprising and unrest in Egypt is spawning sympathy protests across the United States." Yup! Even "in cities [like] Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Portland..." About "300 protesters turned out in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square Saturday, most of them Egyptian-American. They support the protesters in Egypt, and they want Mubarak out." Egyptian-American and Portland resident Doaa Elhaggen "is fed up with 30 years of autocratic rule in her native country. 'Everything is messed up: education, health, transportation....'" Hey wait a second! All that is also "messed up" right her in the good ol' U.S. of A. Time for our own uprising? Perhaps. But some folks here worry that if the Arab world's people free themselves they could disrupt oil flows to fuel-hungry U.S. drivers. Three Bronx cheers for good ol' Yankee pragmatism!

Go to story: Portland-area Egyptian-Americans stage protest sympathy rally
Go to story: Unrest in Egypt stirs interest in auto show’s electric cars: Crowds swarm to clean energy cars as Mideast protests spur oil supply concerns
Go to story: Inside Story - Egypt: The youth perspective: Young people are at the forefront of protests in Egypt, but do they believe that they can bring about change?
Go to analysis: We're Better Off Than Egypt -- Right?

Friday | January 28, 2011

zipcars are fun

More 'Eco Friendly' Cars on the Way!
In the past few years, Portland has made a bigger name for itself in the US than what it once had. It has bred many talented fashion designers and people who are generally more eco friendly than our neighbors in California and Nevada. And now, it is possible to mirror that eco friendly attitude you have on your zipcar vehicle! Plug-in Prius Hybrids are not officially coming onto the scene until 2012, but residents Portland, Boston, and California are all lucky enough to experience the full experience today! There are two of these zipcars located in Portland, one in the Portland State University parking garage and the other at Shaver Green. In fact, maybe the grass really is greener on the other side (of the wheel).

Go to story: Zipcar Gets 8 Plug-In Prius Hybrids From Toyota for Real-World Testing

(Go to older news stories >>>)
