Authors in Pubs
Local Writers Reading Original Works

Authors in Pubs is a 'First Monday' event that brings local writers into a bar, restaurant, or wherever and allows them to share their work with the patrons. This helps boost the confidence of the writer by getting first hand feedback on his/her work. We started in September, 2011 and the crowd has steadily grown so that we recently moved to a larger venue. The show runs about two hours and we invite you to show up early and stay after to talk with the writers or possibly buy their book. If you would like to contribute at a future event, please contact me in advance about being added to our current stable of writers. thanks, Don
Contact Information
Current Venue
- The Jack London Bar : 21+, Full Bar, Full Menu
- 529 SW 4th Ave. ( beneath the Rialto Pool Room ) @ SW 4th & Alder
- Portland, Oregon. 97204
- Event is Free Donation Encouraged - One block to transit mall, Street Parking, Smart Park lot diagonally across the street
Next Reading
- Monday, January 6th, 2014 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
- Looks like we have another 'stellar' line-up for the Jan 6th show. Come out and listen to:
- Marty Beaudet
- Cody Newton
- Brian Allard
- Beth Powder
- Jonathan Ems
- Brian Boggess
- Jessica Dill
- Erik J.Romano
- Don Van Kirk
& maybe a surprise guest
- Every 'First Monday' of the month Authors in Pubs will be presenting new authors to Portland. Join us.