Huber's Café

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Huber's Café
address 411 SW 3rd Ave
neighborhood Downtown
food type Classic American
hours Lunch Mon – Sat: 11:30 AM - 4 PM

Dinner Sun – Thurs: 4 PM - 10 PM
Dinner Fri – Sat: 4 PM - 11 PM

wireless internet?
phone 503-228-5686

Huber's Café is the oldest restaurant in Portland, located in Downtown near the corner of SW Stark Street and SW 3rd Avenue. Huber's serves a complete Thanksgiving meal any time of the year.


Huber's Cafe began in 1879 as a "men's bar"[1] called "The Bureau Saloon" at 1st and Alder in Downtown Portland.[2]

Jake's Famous Crawfish is sometimes cited as Portland's oldest restaurant, but it was founded in 1892[3], 13 years after Huber's.

Huber's moved to its present location in the Builder's Exchange Building (today the Historic Oregon Pioneer Building) in 1911.[2][4] During Prohibition, the bar nearly closed down, but instead became a restaurant specializing in a traditional turkey dinner. The menu expanded to other Classic American fare, and began to offer manhattans in coffee cups.[2]

By the 1950s, Huber's was a favorite lunch place for Portland's businessmen, and it was beginning to attract more female clientele than in the past. Their specialties continued to be roast turkey, baked ham, and crab coleslaw.[5]

In the 1970s, James Kai Louie, the grandson of Jim Louie, developed Spanish Coffee, Huber’s signature drink.[2]


Known for its Thanksgiving-style turkey dinner served year-round, Huber's also serves a large menu of Classic American fare. Its signature drink is the Spanish Coffee. The drink consists of Bacardi 151 rum, Bols Triple Sec, Kahlua, coffee, fresh whipped cream, and a touch of nutmeg. The drink is made tableside as a form of entertainment.[2] According to one Yelp reviewer:

[Huber's is] the place to go if you want to watch your bartender perform like a trained seal, dripping Bacardi 151 into your mug from three feet above his head, lighting it on fire, adding more liquor, and topping off the concoction with coffee and whipped cream. You'll pay $9.25 for this circus act.[6]


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