Occupy Portland - Library News
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9 October 2011: Volunteers enjoy an expanding selection of reading material in Occupy Portland's camp library.
Library News
Did you know that Occupy Portland has a library?!
A large and varied collection of books and documents [and growing]. An archive of Occupy Portland materials is also in the works.
Lauren and Mark are doing a fabulous job. Stop by and browse our growing collection of books, 'zines, pamphlets and other informational and reading resources.
Also, the library is where you can sign up to lead a workshop. I am doing one on Wednesday, for example, on Tax Policy as Class War. (Did you know that 1/2 the income in this country is not taxed?)
So add to this wiki page anything having to do with the library.
See a calendar of Library-sponsored Workshops [1]
Oct 27, 2011
The library now has 1100 items! The collection is amazingly varied, including a large group of children's books. We are looking for more materials, especially on politics, economics, and law.
Workshops continue and our experience is that the those participating are from every walk of life and from all ages. The one thing everyone seems to have in common is a desire to learn about and discuss those issues around which Occupy Portland was conceived. This is a "people's college".
Nov 8, 2011
Although not on the calendar, I continue to conduct my workshop on tax reform on Wednesdays at 3:00 [booked at least through Nov 16th, barring any change in the status of OP encampment]. Tax policy and reform may sound boring but I assure you it is not, nor does it require any special current tax understanding. It's precisely this intimidating aspect of tax policy that keeps us from learning more and advocating for change. It doesn't need to be so. Anyone can "get" the concepts I'll talk about.
This week it is titled, Tax Reform for Dummies. Next week, back to Tax Policy as Class War. Donna
The Occupy Portland library was packed and secured before the 11/13/2011 eviction, and as of 11/16 is being stored locally as the core collection of the Occupy Portland University.