BarCamp is an annual relaxed, friendly, free, geeky unconference. In Portland the most recent event took place on Friday March 29th & Saturday March 30th, 2013. Traditionally BarCamp takes place at First Unitarian Church's Eliot Center.
BarCamp 7
According to a woman eating a too-spicy meal and attending her first BarCamp in 2013, the 2013 BarCamp (Friday March 29th & Saturday March 30th, 2013) is the 7th in a series. She could not confirm if all seven events took place over a 7 year span. But according to Melissa Chavez, the communications chair for BarCamp 7, all seven Portland BarCamps took place over seven consecutive years.
Letters drawn by BarCamp attendees, being voted on for collation into a crowdsourced BarCamp font.
Nerd-infested courtyard, and the Eliot Center's cool hanging art.
BarCamp 2011
At BarCamp 2011 (and on Friday, May 20th & Saturday, May 21st), a great session about PortlandWiki was held by our own Matthew Spellman. But as any BarCamp attendee knows, every single session had great conversation and was a learning experience (see picture listing all sessions). Great geeky friendly energy all around. Also delicious food from Nicholas Restaurant, somehow plentiful enough for over a hundred ravenous nerds.