Occupy Portland - Blogs

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< Occupy Portland

We need local bloggers to help publicize and report on Occupy Portland. If you are a blogger, please help spread the word! If you know someone with a weblog, ask them to do a blog post on Occupy Portland.

  • The Occupy Portland Model -- a blog post on how Portland, Oregon is organizing through Facebook, GA's, and other advice.
  • PortlandWiki has listed LOTS of Portland-based blogs. You can help Occupy Portland by contacting these bloggers and asking them to post a news story and flyer or image about Occupy Portland.
  • Sample text:
Hey Portland blogger!
Will you please post a news story about Occupy Portland onto your blog?
Occupy Portland is a nonviolent movement for accountability in the United States government. At 12PM on October 6th, 2011 we will assemble at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, 1020 Southwest Naito Parkway in Portland, OR.
We will gather in solidarity with the ongoing protest in New York City, Occupy Wall Street, and the growing number of cities whose people will no longer sit back watching corporate and special interests run their government. We are citizens of the United States, and this country is ours. We will take it back.
You can find more information, plus flyers and images at http://OccupyPortland.org
In Solidarity,
Your Name
Occupy Portland volunteer
  • If you receive confirmation from a blogger, please post their site here.