Occupy Portland - Mainstream Media

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Bernie Goldsmith - Witness to Media Bias
Occupy Sacramento protester Bernie Goldsmith talks about witnessing media bias toward the Occupy Movement, his experience with Occupy Sacto, his work on Wall Street and the real face of Occupy protesters.

<img size=500>http://english.aljazeera.net/mritems/Images/2011/10/15/20111015111839757371_20.jpg</img>

Saturday, 15 October 2011: 'Occupy Wall Street' protests go global
From Tokyo to London, protesters worldwide join day of solidarity with New York's 'Occupy Wall Street' movement.

Wanna help? Write editorials, letters and post comments on the Oregonian, Portland Monthly, Willamette Weekly, Portland Tribune, KGW and other local press. Ask them to cover OccupyPortland. The Occupy Portland Press Releases group is distributing the first release.

  • (10/3/11) Sarah Mirk from the Mercury is requesting contact info for the artist who made the poster image with the stencil-style depiction of the girl's face. They wanna do an interview. Yesterday she put up info yesterday on Blogtown, the Merc blog.