- Please play with yourself here! You won't go blind. Promise! Besides, it's better you don't get caught messin' 'round!
Template:Box-header Examples
Politicians in the United States, particularly at the national level, have long since failed to represent the interests of everyday working people. One could make a strong argument that this observable condition has persisted since the founding of the Republic. Even so, U.S. political culture has veered sharply away from the interests of ordinary people in the years following the now infamous Powell Manifesto.[1] Since that time, relentless promotion of pro-business, “free market” dogma has systematically suppressed, often violently, all competitive social, economic and political ideologies.
Represent The People
Politicians in the United States, particularly at the national level, have long since failed to represent the interests of everyday working people. One could make a strong argument that this observable condition has persisted since the founding of the Republic. Even so, U.S. political culture has veered sharply away from the interests of ordinary people in the years following the now infamous Powell Manifesto.[1] Since that time, relentless promotion of pro-business, “free market” dogma has systematically suppressed, often violently, all competitive social, economic and political ideologies.
Politicians in the United States, particularly at the national level, have long since failed to represent the interests of everyday working people. One could make a strong argument that this observable condition has persisted since the founding of the Republic. Even so, U.S. political culture has veered sharply away from the interests of ordinary people in the years following the now infamous Powell Manifesto.[1] Since that time, relentless promotion of pro-business, “free market” dogma has systematically suppressed, often violently, all competitive social, economic and political ideologies.
{{#section:Represent The People|forked}}
Template:Box top Examples (shown below)
What I did today
Example text. Today I woke up, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. then I went to work. Then I edited PortlandWiki at work all day until the boss caught me and now I'm out of a job. Thanks, PortlandWiki! |
Flip, and also flurp
Flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip flurp flip. |
Nothing of interest
Foo bar baz |
Bottom right
Example text. Today I woke up, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. then I went to work. Then I edited PortlandWiki at work all day until the boss caught me and now I'm out of a job. Thanks, PortlandWiki! |
The Quotes of Quotes
Doubt thou the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar. But never doubt my love.
Dave Myers |
A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would expand existing anti-protest laws that make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by a lengthy prison term—to “enter or remain in” an area designated as “restricted.”

{{#widget:Google Calendar | |title=Occupy Portland Events Calendar |color=528800 |timezone=America/Los_Angeles }}
- Date: foo
- Time: foo
- Location: foo