PortlandWiki:Technical Queue
This is a list of worthwhile changes to the PW interface, infrastructure, and server. Most of these tasks require developer access to the PortlandWiki server files. If you are starting to work on one of them, please add "in progress by YOURNAME" to it! If you've finished it, move it to the Completed section! If you have any questions about any of them, message User:kotra or User:WikiMaster: one of them will probably know what it's all about.
For general and non-technical tasks, see PW:To do.
To do
post-update bugfixes
- advanced meta
- in progress by Dave
- search extension (I believe it used to alter the "Go/Search" buttons so simply hitting enter after typing would take you there, among other search-related features -kotra)
- any individual semantic extensions we need
- ? which ones?
- ?
general tasks
- +share buttons: Facebook, Twitter, etc
- See User:WikiMaster/SocialProfile#Share Buttons / Social Bookmarking (Facebook, Twitter, Etc.) for Dave's list of social media share button extensions.
- +forms
- finish Occupy Events form
- ON HOLD (kotra was lead)
- create Relevant Article form (example syntax in HTML comment, click "improve" to view)
- in progress by kotra and Dave
- finish Occupy Events form
- add the pencil icon to the improve link
- in progress by kotra
- fix wikieditor inline image extension MsUpload
- remove debug messages
- anything else to get it working
- liquidthreads back up after mediawiki update