Earth Day

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Bumpy ride.


Stuck On Stupid[1]

Nothing illustrates the acute ignorance and abject stupidity plaguing domesticated humans (Homo Domesticus)[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] more profoundly than the unrelenting abuse we inflict onto our natural environment. Everything we touch, it seems, turns to toxin.

We enslave ourselves to a network of deadly energy systems that rips tops off mountains[9], strip mines huge land tracts[10], turns northern forests into toxic sludge[11], poisons our lands, seas and atmosphere, corrupts governments and ordinary people, provokes genocidal conflicts and extinguishes whole species of flora and fauna on an industrial scale. It's an unholy coven of death that demands nothing less than unquestioned loyalty and total servitude from its human subjects.

We chain ourselves to a consumerist pseudo culture characterized by an ever accelerating treadmill that efficiently turns nature and living beings into toxic landfills, infertile soils, poisoned waterways and dying oceans.

(More happy talk to come...)


External Links

Earth Day, Ecology, "Sustainability"

Human Domestication