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Christmas Day | Saturday | December 25, 2010

Post-Consumer Christmas

Merry Post-Consumer Christmas!
Sure, spiritually bereft, mindless consumerism is a Christmas tradition as American as apple pie and preemptive air strikes. But as "Western Society" descends into post-enlightenment neofeudalism,[1] and shakes off over-consumption in favor of finance industry-coerced "austerity" for the bottom 98%, Portland's "post-consumer advocate" has a plan. Thriftilicious! Merry Christmas Everybody!

Go to story: Merry (Thriftilicious) Christmas!

Christmas Eve! | Friday | December 24, 2010

Ruling Nerds of Portland

Why Portland Rules On Eve Of Christmas Eve
Do you find your holiday bliss "hacking away" on your favorite "open source social network project"? Do you and your friends passionately toil away in frequent and unpaid "spontaneous hack sessions" and similar "Nerdouts" in the darkened confines of a former flophouse cum "Coolest Hotel In America"? Can't abide Hummers, or the idiots who drive them? Yes? Then you already understand the secret to "Why Portland Rules (if you're a nerd)."

Go to story: Why Portland Rules (if you're a nerd)

Thursday | December 23, 2010

Coal wind.

Local Right-Wing "Think Tank" Labels Renewable Energy Efforts A "Failure"
"White paper" published by Cascade Policy Institute says Portland and Oregon "have failed miserably" in pursuing ambitious renewable energy targets. The paper's authors suggest that the city and state "should stop trying." At least one Cascade Policy Institute critic points out that the particular formulations of "individual liberty, personal responsibility, and economic opportunity" promoted by the institute are similar or identical to agendas commonly favored among large business interests and wealthy individuals. Also noted is the apparent irony of how notions like "free markets and limited government," as promoted by organizations like Cascade Policy Institute, often translate into support for "billions in pork-ridden expenditure, insurance mandates, heavy-handed central planning initiatives, property seizures..., metastatic bureaucracy at local, state and federal levels and massive expansions in law enforcement."[2]

Go to story: Are Oregon Renewables Not Meeting Goals?
Go to Portland Afoot profile: Cascade Policy Institute
Go to critic: Cyclists vs ‘Libertarians’ in Portland

Wednesday | December 22, 2010

No "melting pot" for Somali refugees?

Are Somali Immigrants To U.S. "Different"?
"The first big wave of Somali immigrants came to the U.S. after the Mogadishu government collapsed in 1991, fleeing what became the most chaotic nation on Earth.... Somalis who settled in...the U.S. were war refugees, with little money and not many job skills.... (They're) among the "youngest and poorest" newcomers to the U.S...." Why does integration "have less to do with religion, and more to do with culture and income, than today's Islamophobes...care to admit"?
Go to story: What Makes Somalis So Different?
Go to sting posts: Portland bomb sting posts

Tuesday | December 21, 2010

Bingo and bourbon at The Woods.

Former Sellwood Funeral Parlor Is Where "Quiet Is The New Loud"
Q: Where can you sip bourbon and play bingo at the same time?
A: At former Sellwood funeral parlor, The Woods, "where quiet is the new loud."

Go to web page: The Woods, Portland
Go to bingo page: Bingo and Bourbon, with Brian Perez is on Facebook

Monday | December 20, 2010

Peace, Love, Unity, Understanding. And, uh, no more bomb plots or flaming soda bottles, please.

Peace, Love, Unity & Understanding Fills Pioneer Square
"A few hundred people" gathered at Pioneer Courthouse Square early Sunday afternoon to participate in a peace rally dubbed "A Call for Love and Understanding: Responding to Violence with Unity." The event was organized by more than two dozen faith-based organizations including the Salman Alfarisi Islamic Center in Corvallis, Oregon. Portland's Living Room was the site of an alleged bomb plot on November 26, 2010. Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a 19-year-old Corvallis resident, was arrested for wanting to set off a bomb during the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony happening in the Square that evening. The Salman Alfarisi Islamic Center was the apparent target of someone who tossed a flaming plastic soda bottle full of gasoline into the mosque on Nov. 28, 2010.

Go to story: Portland rally draws support for peace

Sunday | December 19, 2010

Awesome folks hanging out at awesome Pioneer Courthouse Square awesomely.

Pioneer Square Is Like Totally Awesomely The Bomb!
Tanya I asks: "Awesome places to hang out in portland oregon?"
Matt E answers: "i like to go to pioneer square..."
Anndra agrees: "yeah pioneer square is pretty awesome..."
Sara suggests: "Go to travelportland.com/visitors You can see a whole bunch of stuff."

Go to awesome story: Awesome places to hang out in portland oregon?
Go to awesome rally: Rally against violence set for bomb plot site

(Go to older news stories >>>)
