Hit 'em where it hurts 11 01 11
Hit 'em where it hurts, 11/1, 9am-6pm
- Date November 1st
- Time 9AM-6PM
- Location Downtown Portland Bank locations
- Purpose
Our collective demand to stop current banking / corporate greed. Gathering downtown has been making news but corporate heads & stockholders laugh from their estates as we camp out in the rain because they know they still have our money.
They know it's a hassle to change our Direct Deposits and AutoPay/e-Pay of our bills. But it's time to hit them where it hurts - in the wallet.
Please join in closing accounts at the following banks downtown.
- BofA @ 1001 SW 5th Ave
- Wells Fargo @ 900 SW 5th Ave
- Chase Bank @ 811 SW 6th Ave
- U.S. Bank @ 900 SW 6th Ave
- BofA 121 SW Morrison St. branch (where there's also a Wells Fargo Advisor location)
- Wells Fargo 635 SW 6th Ave branch
- Chase 1239 NW Couch St
- U.S. Bank 321 SW 6th St
We would love to see people at these banks lined-up down the block and around the corner all prepared and waiting to close our accounts and switch to a local Credit Union.
USA: Find a Credit Union
CANADA: Credit Union Locator
UK: Find your Credit Union
This date is memorable and gives us all time to find a local credit union in advance and minimize our inconvenience thereby putting the impact all on the banks. Thank you.