International Occupy March 10 29 2011
International Occupy March, 10/29, 12:30pm
- Date Saturday, October 29th, 2011
- Time 12:30PM
- Location Meet at Waterfront Park ( SW Naito and SW Salmon )
This event has been endorsed by the G.A.
- Route Summary
- 12:30PM - Gather at the waterfront park, Naito and Salmon (by the fountain)
- 1:00PM - March to the Oregon Convention Center and hand out flyers.
- 3:30PM - March back across the Broadway Bridge Jamison Square: NW 11th and Johnson in the Pearl District.
- 4:00PM - Camp Meeting
- 7:00PM - Potluck
- Occupy the Pearl District
- 10:00PM - Begin optional Sit-in with "Cuddle Party"
- Purpose
Occupy Portland is in Solidarity with Oakland, Atlanta, and all other cities which have experienced a hostile police take-over. We will be demonstrating in Pearl District to bring awareness to the inequality of wealth within our very city. We are not proposing redistribution of wealth. We raise our concerns to the truth that basic needs for safety are only guaranteed to those with the economic privilege.
This is the day before the G20 leaders Summit. This will be one of our regular Saturday marches, but we will march in solidarity with other marches happening that day worldwide. This is a march against the greed of wall street, and in support of values of the 99%. Celebrate with the 99%. Robin Hood Tax
- Adbusters Message
Adbusters has called for a global march on this day. They would like the " people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1% #ROBINHOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency trades. Let’s send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3-trillion easy money that’s sloshing around the global casino each day – enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world."
- Bank of America focus during march
Bank of America will be holding "Mortgage Seminars" Thursday through Saturday at the Convention Center. This will be included in the route and some amount of time will be spent handing out flyers and protesting at that location before moving on.
- Flyers

Oct 29th Big Flyer
Oct 29th Small 4x Flyer
- Sit-in Info
Jamison Square is a public park. It is emphasized that you REMAIN ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR for the entire time you are with the OP assembly. Drugs, alcohol and Drama will not be welcome in any way, shape or form. If choosing to stay the night or support others that are, please bring the following: Food, tarps, sleeping bags, mats, hand warmers, water coolers, and buckets. NO TENTS!
The Jamison Square is a public park and Mayor Sam Adams has made the following statements regarding this assembly: "We will not allow Occupy Portland to set up an alternative encampment at any other city park. Portland police officers have been reminding Occupy Portland participants of this throughout the week, and will continue to use their discretion in enforcing parks rules throughout the city. We must protect people's right to peacefully protest, while also keeping the city moving and working." Hours later, Adams' office said they will stop Occupiers from spending the night Jamison Square, which closes at midnight.
YOU FACE ARREST IF YOU FAIL TO ABIDE BY THE PARK RULES AND STAY BEYOND PARK HOURS OF 05:00 AM to 12:00 AM People are encouraged to participate in the march and join in the festivities after. However, at midnight you will need to make your own decision about whether or not to face arrest by remaining in the park.
- Weather Forecast
- Saturday October 29
Day Cloudy early, becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. High 59F. Winds light and variable.
Night Clear skies with a few passing clouds. Low 46F. Winds light and variable.
- Sunday October 30
Showers. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the mid 40s.