National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 82 Supports Occupy Portland

“We share the common value of people over profits, not the corporate value of profit over people. Know that we the letter carriers of the NALC Branch 82, Portland, Oregon, stand with you in this important time and this fight for the rights of the many, not the few.”
National Association of Letter Carriers
Branch 82
5265 N.E. 42nd Avenue
Portland, OR 97218
(503) 493-5903
November 10, 2011
To: Occupy Portland
We the sisters and brothers of the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 82, representing the greater Portland area, are writing to let you know you have our support in this important movement. As letter carriers we work for everyone and we see the struggles of society everyday during these difficult times. We know the sting of corporate attacks on small local business and individuals. We see the political and corporate agenda to eliminate public service and drive the wealth continually upward into the hands of the few leaving the massive majority in a place where simply getting by is difficult. We know it is only through the combined efforts of many that our voices will be heard and that real change can come into being.
We salute you for being a reminder that “we the people” will not lie down and take it any longer. Together we can shrink the massive gap between the 1% and the 99%. We can provide decent lives and opportunities to our fellow human beings. The principles of fairness and equality still have meaning and need to be strengthened and promoted.
The tough times we are living in were not created by the working class, they were created by the multi-national banks, wall street manipulation, massive deregulation that allowed systems to run rampant, and by corporate greed in general. Those that created the problems have the wealth and means to help fix them but they choose to ignore the cries of the many in favor of the greed of the few. Together our combined voices will be heard and change can happen for the better.
We share the common value of people over profits, not the corporate value of profit over people. Know that we the letter carriers of the NALC Branch 82, Portland, Oregon, stand with you in this important time and this fight for the rights of the many, not the few.
In Solidarity,
Jim Cook, President
NALC Branch 82