Occupy Bagdad Comedy Fundraiser for the Revolution 11 8 11
Occupy Bagdad: Comedy Fundraiser

- Date: Tue, November 8, 2011
- Time: Doors 6 PM
- Silent Auction 6:30 PM
- Comedy Show 8 PM
- Movie 10 PM
- Location: Bagdad Theater 3702 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd Portland
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The evening of Tuesday, November 8, a fundraiser called “Occupy Bagdad” will be hosted at Hawthorne’s Bagdad Theatre on behalf of Occupy Portland.
- Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the information booth of Occupy Portland or buy your Tickets here.
Silent Auction: 6pm
Silent auction needs help! We need interesting donations to be bid upon by our guests. Specifically, we’re looking to have local businesses stand with us, offering their goods and services in the name of people of Portland. Do you know a local massage therapist who would offer an hour session for our cause? A Ma and Pa bed and breakfast? A brilliant yet out of work oil painter looking for exposure? If so, let us know by email at occupycomedypdx@gmail.com.
Comedy Show: 8pm
Come laugh about the revolution!
- Nato Green (“Laughter Against the Machine”
- Dwight Slade (“Comedy Central”)
- Augie Smith (“2010 San Francisco Comedy Competition Winner”)
- Arlo Stone (“Current Occupy Portland Resident”)
and special guests will entertain us 99-percenters with their humor and wits.
The People’s Story: 10pm
This film weaves archival footage and interviews with performances by actors and artists such as Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Kerry Washington, Viggo Mortensen, Danny Glover, Marisa Tomei, Bruce Springsteen, and John Legend.
The performers' commitment to Howard Zinn's message makes this a labor of love. "Change doesn't come from the top, but rather from the bottom," Damon observes. "Without everyday citizens pushing to make a difference, there would be no America." It is Damon who reads the Declaration of Independence, surely one of the great protest documents in history.
Auctions, Comedy, and a Movie Please join us!
more information
According to comments at a subsequent spokescouncil meeting, this event raised about $2000 for Occupy Portland.