Occupy The EGT: Join the Caravan Jan 29-Feb 15
Occupy The EGT: Join the Caravan

- Date: Sun Jan 29 at 7:30am until Wed Feb 15 at 10:30am
- Location: Longview, WA
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Sign up here for announcements and coordination: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dG83Q2hkSzFlZVBtMTlKWV9wV084cFE6MQ
- text @noegtpdx to 23559 for late-breaking announcements.
One of the most important labor struggles of our generation is happening in our backyard. Just one hour away in Longview, WA, the 1% is making an historic grab to break the labor movement. EGT has broken the 80-year-long standing agreement with ILWU, a union well known for its role in supporting the struggles of 99%.
- Join Occupy Portland, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Longview, and a growing number of unions and organizations in mobilizing to Longview as soon as we receive the call for solidarity. This is a massive mobilization and all eyes are on us in Portland to help provide housing and transportation for supporters from as far away as Florida!
Help spread the word far and wide.
"A struggle that will shape the future for dockworkers around the world is coming to a head in Longview, Wash. Sometime in the coming days and weeks, the multinational conglomerate EGT Development is expected to attempt to load its first ship with grain at a newly built state-of-the-art terminal that isn't using International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 21 labor, in defiance of a contract that has been in place for almost a century." - http://www.occupytheegt.org/
"The International Longshoremen Workers Union is engaged in a crucial struggle at the Port of Longview, Washington, where a multinational company, EGT, is attempting to operate as the West Coast’s only non-ILWU facility, despite promising otherwise when it received millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to build its grain exporting terminal. Now, as the first ship makes its way to the port to fill up with grain bound for Asia, it is reported that Coast Guard ships and helicopters will be used to escort this ship. Use of our tax dollars and our military to assist such union busting is horrifying." - Letter from the SCFL to President Obama
- Spread the word!