Photo Contest 2011 Winners

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On June 4th, 2011 a photographic competition was held by

Participants were given a short time, from 9am - to 5pm, to capture the personality of Portland.

The event was a resounding success. Inspire photographic artistry in the wiki community,

as well as gift PortlandWiki a valuable photograph resource for ongoing reporting.

Please join us in congratulating the winners!

Best of Show, : Samc

Bike Sculpture by MarkDilley

Mt. Hood from Rocky Butte by Kotra

Old Chinatown entrance by Alice

Honorable Mention Gallery

As big thanks to everyone who took the day to explore Portland,
here's a participant badge you can use take and use on your forums, facebook, twitter
and wherever you want to brag. Thanks again everyone!

See all contest photos

Photo Contest Rules Page