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Senate Bill 909

- Date: November 10, 2011
- Time: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Location: Marriott Downtown Waterfront 1401 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97201
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The Governor's nominees to the Oregon Education Investment Board are scheduled for Senate confirmation on Nov. 18. Until their confirmation, nominees are joining the Governor on a Senate Bill 909 work group. After confirmation they will meet as the OEIB.
- Nov. 10, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (2 separate meetings in Portland - locations listed below)
- Nov. 21, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. (Portland)
- Dec. 7, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. (Portland)
The work group has established executive work teams, that include other invited members. The work team meetings may be held in conjunction with the full work group, on the above dates. They will also schedule separate meetings, which will be noted in advance on the link at the bottom of the page.
Senate Bill 909 Work Group
- Thursday, Nov. 10, 9 a.m. to 12
- 30 p.m.
- Marriott Downtown Waterfront 1401 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97201
- Senate Bill 909 Work Group
- Outcomes-Based Investment Strategies Work Team
- Thursday, Nov. 10, 2 to 5 p.m.
- Conf. Room 1, Suite 205, World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR 97204
- Notice from Deb Mayer from "Oregon Save Our Schools"
This is what they are up to: They are redesigning the entire education system for the state. A council called Learn Works has orchestrated this plan which is a rehash of a plan conceived 20 years ago with original funding from the B & M Gates Foundation. Most of the 30 member Learn Works team are from the business community. There are no parent or student groups represented and educators are only minimally represented. The plan is to ditch the Superintendent of Education and put a CEO in charge who, the counsel advises should not be an educator but a business person instead, will design for Oregon a "Cradle to Career" system that taxpayers will fund. The language of Learn Works is scary and similar to ALEC legislation being passed in other states. More testing of students, more accountability, do more with less, etc. They plan to apply for the NCLB waiver which is a bad idea -- California estimated the waiver will cost their state $3.1 billion. Learn Works has developed no budget for the waiver or their new plan.
The Governor, (our Democratic Governor!), plans to rush this into law without public discussion or debate. Our group, Oregon Save Our Schools, thinks the public has a right to know about the future the governor's office is planning for us all. Students, parents, and educators should have a voice in this monumental decision. We are demanding that the Learn Works committee be transparent, allow public to know what they are up to and slow the process down.
We have asked the Oregonian and other media to report about the plan. No media has been at any of the meetings that our group has attended -- since September.
The next two meetings will be Thursday, Nov. 10, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Since they are open to the public. I would like to invite [[[Occupy Portland]] to attend.
The morning meeting is at the Waterfront Marriott. It will be warm inside, but you may have to sit on the floor as you listen to your future being decided for you. The afternoon meeting is at the World Trade Center. You can see from the agenda below that "Invited Testimony" is scheduled, but public testimony is not. Both meetings are only blocks away from Occupy. So . . .
I'm sharing my invitation with Occupy Portland to attend the public meetings on education reform.
- Bring a sign. Bring cameras and video recorders. Bring the media.
This is your education and career we're talking about. Make your voice heard. Their may be the need for a mic check.
Other details
Oregon Education Investment Board
[Senate Bill 909 more information]
Community Forum on the 2012 Legislative Session
- Date: Thursday, November 10 2011
- Time: 6:30 PM
- Location: Portland Building, Room C, 2nd floor, 1120 SW 5th Ave
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Participate in a Community Forum regarding the upcoming 2012 State of Oregon Legislative Session.
Other details
This event is designed to inform the community about the City’s process for developing the legislative agenda, provide an overview of the upcoming 2012 legislative session and have the opportunity for community members to share the issues that their neighborhood and communities are facing with the Commissioner.
Please RSVP to Portland Information and Referral at 503-823-4000
Ideas that the occupation might talk about:
- Feed in Tarriff- requiring power utilities to buy solar and sustainable electricity from local generators
- Stronger campaign contribution disclosure laws- all significant gifts must be subject to disclosure, and all donors to PACs must be transparent to public examination
- Conflict of interest law- regulators working for state agencies must sign to a contract agreeing not to work for businesses regulated by their agency, or businesses owned by subsidiaries thereof, for a certain period of time after their employment with the state agency.
- Investment firm tax- tax on brokerage firms
- Stock transaction tax- tax on the exchange publicly traded stocks. This will act to cool rapid trading and promote more sober and long term investment strategies.
- Public investment credit union- the creation of a publicly owned credit union aimed at the mission of encouraging small business and worker collectives in the state of Oregon
- Automatic default of voter eligibility- selective service registration at the age of 18 also serves as default voter registration, making Oregonians registered voters by default. Widens the voter pool and decreases the need for voter registration drives.
- Instant Runoff voting- GA ENDORSED- allows voters to rank their preferences on the ballot
- Public campaign financing- candidates able to collect a certain number of donations qualify for public funding to run their campaign, weaning our elected officials off of the need for corporate money
- Fair and balanced coverage- requiring OPB to provide fair and equal amounts of coverage time to political candidates
- Community solar- specification of reform NEEDED
- Limited duration charters of encorporation. Alters the default so that a corporation chartered in Oregon is chartered for a temporary duration subject to renewal rather than of permanent duration.
- Statutes of dissolution- empowers the Attorney General to dissolve corporations, removing the rights and protections therein, in circumstances of repeated labor or environmental intransigence.
- Non-sustainable goods tax. A tax upon foods (for example, bluefin tuna) and goods that cannot be grown or harvested in a sustainable manner (another example: harvestable doug fir trees would be exempt, sequioa hardwoods would be taxed).
- New tax schedule for the state income tax- currently, there is a class of $100,000 and up. We wish to see new schedules, like a $200K-500K schedule, a 500K-1M$ schedule, to redress Oregon's tax and infrastructure woes, with new minimum taxes for certain levels of income.
- Long legislative session- 2012 is scheduled to be a short session. The people of Oregon our in a profound economic crisis, and we need a legislature with a long session to address our many issues.
- Ending corporate personhood- there are many in the 99% who favor a legislative challenge to the doctrine put for in Citizens United v. FEC
The next Solutions Committee meeting will be Sunday, November 13th, at Noon, in either Terry Schrunk Plaza (if not raining) or at the Strategy Tent.
more information
Hawthorne Street Bank Protests
- Date October 31st through November 4th
- Time 10am - 6:30pm

ALL IN ONE AREA!!! ALL WEEK!!!! These are the locations that Occupiers are planning to protest at: Bank of America on 3757 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214. Wells Fargo and Chase banks are also in that location.
- Purpose
Vote with your dollar. Get your money out of wall street banks and back into your community by moving your money to a local credit union. Save money by avoiding the new debit card fees banks are forcing on consumers even though the banks continue to rake in record profits.
- About
OUR FIRST ADMENDMENT RIGHT IS NOT LIMITED TO CHAMPMAN PARK! Some of us are taking our right to peaceable assembly to the steps of Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Chase on SE Hawthorne :) We will be showing Solidarity with Wall Street starting at 10am Monday morning 10/31 and hopefully will continue throughout the week during business hours. This is a peaceful show of solidarity. Bring signs. :) We will try to maintain a continual presence at these buildings during business hours throughout the week so come down when you can. Many will return to the Occupy site at night but what you do is your choice. Please just do it peacefully :)
Hit 'em where it hurts, 11/1, 9am-6pm
- Date November 1st
- Time 9AM-6PM
- Location Downtown Portland Bank locations
- Purpose
Our collective demand to stop current banking / corporate greed. Gathering downtown has been making news but corporate heads & stockholders laugh from their estates as we camp out in the rain because they know they still have our money.
They know it's a hassle to change our Direct Deposits and AutoPay/e-Pay of our bills. But it's time to hit them where it hurts - in the wallet.
Please join in closing accounts at the following banks downtown.
- BofA @ 1001 SW 5th Ave
- Wells Fargo @ 900 SW 5th Ave
- Chase Bank @ 811 SW 6th Ave
- U.S. Bank @ 900 SW 6th Ave
- BofA 121 SW Morrison St. branch (where there's also a Wells Fargo Advisor location)
- Wells Fargo 635 SW 6th Ave branch
- Chase 1239 NW Couch St
- U.S. Bank 321 SW 6th St
We would love to see people at these banks lined-up down the block and around the corner all prepared and waiting to close our accounts and switch to a local Credit Union.
USA: Find a Credit Union
CANADA: Credit Union Locator
UK: Find your Credit Union
This date is memorable and gives us all time to find a local credit union in advance and minimize our inconvenience thereby putting the impact all on the banks. Thank you.
Michael Moore is coming to Occupy Portland, 10/31, 4:45pm rally at Terry Schrunk Park

- Location Powell's City of Books, 1005 W Burnside Portland, OR 97209
- Time 6pm-7pm
- Website Michael Moore
This is not an OP event.
- About
Michael Moore, the controversial author and filmmaker, will sign copies of his new book "Here Comes Trouble." The book is Moore's first since "Dude, Where's My Country?" in 2003 and is a series of vignettes from his life. The event begins at 6 p.m. on Oct. 31 and is a book-signing only.
- Michael Moore's visit at Occupy Portland
We have received word that Michael Moore will be visiting the Occupy Portland camp on Monday, Oct 31 sometime between 3:30-5:30pm.
- Moore's Halloween Fundraiser (For those interested)
Tickets will be sold online and at the door and will include refreshments provided by “Ciao Vito” restaurant. Advance tickets are $35 or $45 at the door. Premium event sponsors ($75 per ticket) will also receive a signed copy of Here Comes Trouble by Michael Moore.
Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore will host a Halloween fundraiser bash in Portland, Oregon on October 31st to benefit the launch of RevolutionTruth.org. A new, internet-based network of international citizens dedicated to ensuring global transparency through citizen-driven media campaigns, world-wide education and live-stream panel discussions.
Doors will open at 8:00pm. Costumes are encouraged but optional, and there will be prizes in two categories: best overall costume and best Michael Moore costume. “We’re incredibly flattered to have Michael be the host of our launch,” says Tangerine Bolen, Executive Director of RevolutionTruth.org. “He sets a high bar for the kind of bravery it takes to tell the truth in a political world dedicated to secrecy and lies. But the event itself is really about having fun. Michael is a very approachable guy and it will be a great opportunity for people to meet him in person and see that for themselves.” For more information and ticket sales : Halloween Fundraiser
Anti-Coal Zombie March, 10/31, 11:30am-5pm

- Date Monday October 31st, 2011
- Time 11:30am - 5pm
- Location Chapman Square @ SW Main/4th Downtown Portland
- Sponsor Rising Tide
- Purpose
The Anti-Coal Zombie March is organized by Rising Tide to highlight the banks that fund coal mining (Bank of America, Wells Fargo...) Rising Tide is an international, all-volunteer, grassroots network of groups and individuals who organize locally, promote community-based solutions to the climate crisis and take direct action to confront the root causes of climate change. Contact us at info@portlandrisingtide.org.
- Event Info
This is going to be an awesome event for anyone and everyone. Its a great chance to get your ZOMBIE on!! There will be face painters, tombstone making and lots of other great stuff going on. Bring a friend and have fun!
- Why we must defeat coal export
At this stage of climate chaos it is indefensible to invest any more money in nonrenewable fossil fuel infrastructure. Coal is the most carbon intensive fuel on the market and responsible for 80% of global warming emissions in the US.
Coal companies have destroyed the American landscape through dangerous mining practices and labor violations. In the one year since Big Coal brought export ideas to the Northwest, they have been caught lying on permit applications acting without permits at all.
Millennium unreported export plans for their Longview terminal by up to 75 million tones annually and Peabody illegally paved 9 acres of wetlands and trees to make way for their proposed 54 million ton facility. Before opening their doors, these companies have proven their toxicity to the communities they work in.
- Climate justice and coal export
Coal and other fossil fuel development is based on the practice and principle of externalizing costs, shoving them onto the general public and onto the natural world in the form of pollution, impacts to human health, and destruction of land and water resources. The coal exported through Northwest ports would be sourced from strip mines in the Powder River Basin of Montana and Wyoming and travel via open car rail through the Columbia River gorge.
Well water pollution is already an issue that forces many farmers in the Powder River Basin out of their rural lifestyles. An increase in demand for coal resulting from coal export terminals would further the environmental damage in the Powder River Basin where over 37,000 acres have already been strip-mined and abandoned by Big Coal.
Dozens of towns between the Powder River Basin and the coal export terminal are at risk of becoming “dirty coal train communities.” Each of the open air coal cars on the mile long trains proposed to transport coal to the export terminals releases 500 pounds of coal into the air, land and water during transit. Current export proposals would require up to 50 coal trains each day. Additionally, the small towns on the train routes are ill-equipped to deal with such high volume train traffic and have no contingency plans for the hospitals, schools and businesses that would be blocked by the heavy rail traffic.
Hawthorne Street Bank Protests, 10/31, 10am-6:30pm
- Date October 31st through November 4th
- Time 10am - 6:30pm

ALL IN ONE AREA!!! ALL WEEK!!!! These are the locations that Occupiers are planning to protest at: Bank of America on 3757 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214. Wells Fargo and Chase banks are also in that location.
- Purpose
Vote with your dollar. Get your money out of wall street banks and back into your community by moving your money to a local credit union. Save money by avoiding the new debit card fees banks are forcing on consumers even though the banks continue to rake in record profits.
- About
OUR FIRST ADMENDMENT RIGHT IS NOT LIMITED TO CHAMPMAN PARK! Some of us are taking our right to peaceable assembly to the steps of Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Chase on SE Hawthorne :) We will be showing Solidarity with Wall Street starting at 10am Monday morning 10/31 and hopefully will continue throughout the week during business hours. This is a peaceful show of solidarity. Bring signs. :) We will try to maintain a continual presence at these buildings during business hours throughout the week so come down when you can. Many will return to the Occupy site at night but what you do is your choice. Please just do it peacefully :)
Occupy into Action Part II, 10/30

- Date Sunday, October 30th
Rising Tide, along with friends and allies from the Portland IWW are organizing a 2nd day of workshops focused on building critical skills needed to empower activists in the occupy movement to battle oppression and create real change in our communities and beyond.
- Times
- 11am-2pm Non-Violent Direct Action
- 2:30-4pm Intro to Blockades & Direct Action Tactics
- 4-5:30pm De-constructing Hierarchies Within Activist Communities
- 6-7:00pm Occupy your workplace: Radical Unionism, w/ the Portland IWW
Occupy into Action II is brought to you by [www.portlandrisingtide.org Portland Rising Tide], a local group working for climate justice and against the construction of new fossil fuel infrastructure.
- Please don't hesitate to RSVP @ Facebook Event Page
International Occupy March
- Date Saturday, October 29th, 2011
- Time 12:30PM
- Location Meet at Waterfront Park ( SW Naito and SW Salmon )
This event has been endorsed by the G.A.
- Route Summary
- 12:30PM - Gather at the waterfront park, Naito and Salmon (by the fountain)
- 1:00PM - March to the Oregon Convention Center and hand out flyers.
- 3:30PM - March back across the Broadway Bridge Jamison Square: NW 11th and Johnson in the Pearl District.
- 4:00PM - Camp Meeting
- 7:00PM - Potluck
- Occupy the Pearl District
- 10:00PM - Begin optional Sit-in with "Cuddle Party"
- Purpose
Occupy Portland is in Solidarity with Oakland, Atlanta, and all other cities which have experienced a hostile police take-over. We will be demonstrating in Pearl District to bring awareness to the inequality of wealth within our very city. We are not proposing redistribution of wealth. We raise our concerns to the truth that basic needs for safety are only guaranteed to those with the economic privilege.
This is the day before the G20 leaders Summit. This will be one of our regular Saturday marches, but we will march in solidarity with other marches happening that day worldwide. This is a march against the greed of wall street, and in support of values of the 99%. Celebrate with the 99%. Robin Hood Tax
- Adbusters Message
Adbusters has called for a global march on this day. They would like the " people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1% #ROBINHOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency trades. Let’s send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3-trillion easy money that’s sloshing around the global casino each day – enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world."
- Bank of America focus during march
Bank of America will be holding "Mortgage Seminars" Thursday through Saturday at the Convention Center. This will be included in the route and some amount of time will be spent handing out flyers and protesting at that location before moving on.
- Flyers

Oct 29th Big Flyer
Oct 29th Small 4x Flyer
- Sit-in Info
Jamison Square is a public park. It is emphasized that you REMAIN ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR for the entire time you are with the OP assembly. Drugs, alcohol and Drama will not be welcome in any way, shape or form. If choosing to stay the night or support others that are, please bring the following: Food, tarps, sleeping bags, mats, hand warmers, water coolers, and buckets. NO TENTS!
The Jamison Square is a public park and Mayor Sam Adams has made the following statements regarding this assembly: "We will not allow Occupy Portland to set up an alternative encampment at any other city park. Portland police officers have been reminding Occupy Portland participants of this throughout the week, and will continue to use their discretion in enforcing parks rules throughout the city. We must protect people's right to peacefully protest, while also keeping the city moving and working." Hours later, Adams' office said they will stop Occupiers from spending the night Jamison Square, which closes at midnight.
YOU FACE ARREST IF YOU FAIL TO ABIDE BY THE PARK RULES AND STAY BEYOND PARK HOURS OF 05:00 AM to 12:00 AM People are encouraged to participate in the march and join in the festivities after. However, at midnight you will need to make your own decision about whether or not to face arrest by remaining in the park.
- Weather Forecast
- Saturday October 29
Day Cloudy early, becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. High 59F. Winds light and variable.
Night Clear skies with a few passing clouds. Low 46F. Winds light and variable.
- Sunday October 30
Showers. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the mid 40s.
Occupy Your Capitol National Event

- Date Oct. 29th
- Time 12pm-3pm
- Location State Capitol Building
This event is endorsed by Occupy cities nationwide.
- Purpose
"We the people are gathering to recognize the blatant injustices that are being perpetrated by the political and economic structures in our own nation and around the world. In solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, we are creating a way to re-empower the individual and society, so that we may identify and discuss solutions to resolve expressed issues, through recognizing our common humanity. Each day... new people are adding their voice. We invite you to add yours."
Meet in front of your State Capitol building! It is time to take the Occupations to Government- Let our Politicians know!
Occupy Salem Facebook
Occupy Salem website
Known Participating Cities: Boston - Tallahassee - Montgomery - Phoenix - Little Rock - Sacramento - Lansing - Saint Paul - Jackson - Denver - Hartford - Atlanta - Honolulu - Boise - Jefferson City - Springfield - Indianapolis - Des Moines - Topeka Baton Rouge - Augusta - Annapolis - Helena - Lincoln - Carson City - Concord - Trenton - Santa Fe - Albany - Raleigh - Bismarck - Columbus - Oklahoma City - Salem - Harrisburg - Providence - Columbia - Pierre - Nashville Dover - Lansing - Austin - Salt Lake City - Montpelier - Richmond - Olympia - Charleston - Madison – Cheyenne
Campaign for National Day of Action against the Private Prison Industry
- Date Saturday, October 29th
- Time 10am
- Location Wells Fargo Bank 3782 SE Hawthorne
- Sponsor Enlace International
- Campaign Video Prison Divestment Campaign
- Sponsor Website Enlace Intl
- Contact Peter Cervantes-Gautschi: (503) 705-3343 or email: pcg@enlaceintl.org
- Purpose
In concert with protesters in 16 major cities across the country, concerned Portlanders will converge on the SE 38th and Hawthorne branch of Wells Fargo Bank to demand that Wells Fargo abandon its role in the nation’s rapidly expanding for-profit immigrant detention system.
- About
Over the past three years, hundreds of thousands of non-criminal immigrants have been subjected to excessively abusive treatment in for profit prisons run for the federal government by the Geo Group (GEO) and Corrections of America (CCA). Through its mutual funds, Wells Fargo is a major investor in the GEO, the nation’s second largest private prison company, and a minor shareholder in CCA, the largest.
These for-profit prison companies, which rely on billions of tax dollars as their primary source of revenue, have successfully lobbied federal and state governments to adopt and implement policies that have led to the incarceration of over one million immigrants over the past three years. Recent reports by the Houston Chronicle and PBS showed that excessive abuse of detainees is rampant across the increasingly privatized federal immigrant detention system.
Wells Fargo, a recipient of billions of tax bail-out dollars, is a major contributor to politicians who have championed the increased incarceration of immigrants. Wells Fargo has also played a key role supporting GEO business ventures. Immigrants arrested in the Portland area are sent for detention to the GEO-run Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington.
- National Month of Action
The Prison Divestment Campaign will launch a National Month of Action in October 2011, culminating in a National Day of Action on October 29th. The following is a current list of the remaining scheduled actions, by state:
- New York - Long Island October 29th & Manhattan October 29th
- Washington- Seattle October 29th
- Oregon - Portland October 29th
- Kansas - Wichita October 29th & 31st
- Florida - Miami November 1st
- Arizona - Tucson November 2nd
- California - San Francisco November 5th
- Texas - Austin November 5th
- Background
Enlace has been working on exposing Wall Street for its involvement in the Mexico economic crisis of the 1990’s and the current US and global financial crisis. An published article by Peter Cervantes-Gautschi titled “Wall Street and Immigration: Financial Services Giants Have Profited from the Beginning”, exposes Wall Street as the main culprit in the Mexican financial crisis. You can also read Mr. Cervantes-Gautschi’s article “Wall Street and the Criminalization of Immigrants” published last year on the growing role of Wall Street financial institutions and big banks in anti-immigrant laws and policies.
- For more tools connecting Wall Street and Immigration, please contact Daniel Carrillo at Daniel@enlaceintl.org or 213-284-3802
- this is kinda cool, maybe put on a page called Encampment Notes?
- We Are the 99 Percent
- 23:33, 14 October 2011 (PDT): Walking through the camp to get a sense of the mood earlier this chilly, drizzly evening, an observer found the camp mostly in calm spirits. Encountered a young man and young woman who had each just arrived; the young man from Montana, the young woman from South Carolina. The camp library, momentarily devoid of patrons, soon drew a small gathering of people, swapping stories, anecdotes, updates and so on. Mark, the librarian, read aloud a letter to the editor published in the Oregonian penned by someone who described how impressed she was with the camp library.

- 22:02, 10 October 2011 (PDT): A Columbus Day Convergence took place on Monday, noon to 6 p.m. starting at the Oregon State Office Building (800 N.E. Oregon St.) and continued to Holladay Park. At 2 p.m. organizers offered a free chili lunch and open mic (BYOB = Bring-Your-Own-Bowl). At 6 p.m. a procession began from the Holladay Park through the Steel Bridge, finishing at the #OccupyPortland headquarters at Chapman Square. Twitter hashtag #OccupyEastPDX.
- 19:27, 9 October 2011 (PDT): News from occupied Chapman Square: Occupy Portland Camp update from inside marathon enclosure - Sunday 09 Oct 2011 | Report by Sylvia O.
- 16:10, 8 October 2011 (PDT): Chapman Square is crowded with occupiers, their tents and other supplies. Lots of activities happening all over the occupied square: classes (or maybe teach-ins), sign making, play activities for children, singing, organizing, etc. A loud generator is providing much-needed power. Would be great to replace with solar panels that could provide equivalent power supply. The library is has a bigger stock of books that was observed yesterday. So much food available that you'd have to try to go hungry. In fact, an observer was handed fresh fruit by a Food Not Bombs volunteer while also accepting new donations to the Occupy Portland library at the same time. Many impromptu, spontaneous and intelligent discussions happening everywhere, often made up of participants who otherwise have little in common with each other. An observer heard first hand from people quit their jobs to join the occupation, and know of others who did the same. Lots of awareness about the necessity of creating our own media and our own economy. Lots of spontaneous organization happening continuously. This is a movement.
- 21:38, 7 October 2011 (PDT): By mid-evening the mood at Chapman Square looked, felt and sounded celebratory and relaxed. Many families with children were present; most apparently having a great time. Lots of people engaged in activity ranging from light-hearted play to serious discussions. The 7:00 p.m. general assembly appeared to cycle through issues and discussions more productively, and appeared to avoid getting too bogged down--a step forward from the previous evening's GA.
- 08:50, 7 October 2011 (PDT): Reports aired over KBOO Radio's Positively Revolting program have indicated that protesters have come to a decision to consolidate in Chapman Square, located in Portland's Plaza Blocks, the downtown park situated across from Portland City Hall.[2]
Camp residents still remained in Chapman Square as of noon, and held a general assembly to decide what to do next.