PortlandWiki Calendar 2011 4 12
Global Day of Action on Military Spending

When / Where
- Tuesday, April 12, 2011
- 8:00 PM
- Corvallis-Benton County Public Library
- Corvallis, OR
Direct action to show our priorities for our tax dollars.
More details:
Due to budget shortfalls, Corvallis has had to cut back the days and hours of operation of its public library. Other city services are on the chopping block as well: the senior center, the arts center, the aquatic center, jobs programs, youth shelter, a fire station, public works, and many more. Our City Council has to find $3 million dollars to cut and most of it will come from parks and recreation and public works. Corvallis loves its library! We also love having adequate police and fire protection, good schools, little league, parks, and all the other things that make our town a wonderful place to live. The citizens of Corvallis would much rather spend $3 million dollars to fully fund our municipal budget than to pay for 3 soldiers to be in Afghanistan for a year. Corvallis residents have already paid over $115 million for the wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are sick of having our tax dollars spent on war and militarism rather than on schools, health care, housing and libraries. So, the plan for this action is to gather as many people as possible to occupy the public library and to "keep it open." The message is that "We love our library and this is where we want our money spent!" When it is time for the library to close for the day, we won't leave. The idea is not to "shut it down" (as with some sit-ins/take-overs), but rather to "keep it open." This idea could work with other services as well--the seniors refuse to leave the senior center at closing time, kids refuse to get out of the swimming pool--you get the idea. This action could provoke an arrest situation, but for those who are not interested in risking arrest, they could hand out fliers outside of the facility, or have a demonstration/chanting etc.
- Leah Bolger: leahbolger [at] comcast [dot] net
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