SE Portland Community Budget Forum
SE Portland Community Budget Forum - Wednesday, March 21, 2012

- Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012
- Time: 6:00pm until 8:30pm
- Location: Cleveland High School Cafeteria, 3400 SE 26th, Portland
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Join Laborers' Local 483 and sound off against knee-jerk budget cuts at the City of Portland that will close public restrooms in our Parks, close community centers, eliminate street maintenance, and send workers to the layoff line. This is the tenth year in a row of cuts to our maintenance bureau and the fourth year in a row of cuts to Parks and Recreation.
What is most important to you and your community? Stand up and speak out. Tell City Council not to throw in the towel on the services you depend on. It's time for hard work for community solutions- NOT CUTS.
Forum starts at 6:30pm, but come early to join the group and get a seat.
- Background on event
Community Budget Forums - FY 2012-13
Join Mayor Adams, City Commissioners and voice your priorities about the FY 2012-13 budget.
All budget forum locations are ADA accessible. To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and activities, the City of Portland will reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities.
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