Stop Walmart Grocery On Apple Way in Beaverton! 2 23 12
Stop Walmart Grocery On Apple Way in Beaverton!

- Date: Thu Feb 23
- Time: 7:00pm until 8:30pm
- Location: Edgewood Down Retirement Community at 7799 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton, Oregon
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Walmart has pulled a dirty trick. Wally is sneaking in to Portland with 17 of these grocery only stores under existing zoning. Except, one thing they haven't been able to hide, the need or desire to be 24 hours a day. Without being 24 hours they aren't that interested in taking up space. We need your help to stop them! They are attempting to lease an old Zupan's store in West Slope off Beaverton Hillsdale Highway. If we can block their zoning we have a chance to make them leave. Do you want a Walmart in your neighborhood?
In 2006, Walmart fought to build a 152,308-square-foot superstore at Southwest Cedar Hills Boulevard and Barnes Road. The conditional-use proposal came under considerable fire during hearings from Cedar Mill neighbors and a local anti-Walmart group. The City Council voted no on the proposal, saying improvements to the busy intersection would be too costly and would have greatly contributed to the area’s traffic congestion. After their proposal was rejected, Walmart did not appeal the decision or submit any new plans for a store in the area. Now six years later, Walmart stealthily moves in to Beaverton opening three new grocery only stores utilizing existing zoning code hoping none of us will notice them sneaking in to our community and forcing our local businesses to close.
As Oregonian’s we want companies doing business in our state that support our local communities by bringing quality products at a good price, but not at the expense of low paying jobs that keep workers in poverty and reliant on social services programs to feed their family and meet their basic health care needs.
Together, we can increase the pressure on Wal-Mart and stop their movement in to Beaverton. We can work together to protect our community that will be hurt by Wal-Mart’s presence, and most of all, we can refuse to buy products whose journey from the factory to the check-out line is tainted by externalized costs to workers, communities, and the environment.
With Wal-Mart’s cost of doing business so high, can any of us really afford to shop there? More and more, US consumers are saying they’ve had enough of Wal-Mart. In fact, as of July 2005, nearly 300 communities nationwide had successfully kept Wal-Mart out—a number that’s growing all the time. We have made it clear before that we don’t want Walmart in our community and we must do this again!
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