Vancouver Rising 10 22 2011
Portland to Vancouver March for Good Jobs, No Cuts
Portland and Vancouver Rising, October 22, 11 a.m.

- About
Jobs with Justice is a national campaign for workers’ rights. Working through coalitions of labor, community, religious and constituency organizations, Jobs with Justice is fighting for workers’ rights and economic justice.
Many have participated in powerful Portland Rising events on April 16th and June 30th. This time it will be Portland Rising AND Vancouver Rising as we connect struggles on the two sides of the river.
In addition to supporting union campaigns, we will also be sending a message to Senator Patty Murray, co-chair of the Congressional "Super-Committee," which is poised to make cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, that these programs should not be cut one cent!
Call Senator Patty Murray co-chair of this committee to say "No cuts to the safety net!" 360-696-7797
For more info call JWJ at 503-236-5573
- Directions
Meet at the field just off I-5 Exit 308 to Jantzen Beach* to march across the I-5 bridge for the Noon Rally at Esther Short Park* in Vancouver.
Portland meeting place: We will meet at the field just off of Northbound I-5 Exit 308. The field is on the East side of I-5, between the highway and Taco Bell. Parking is available on N. Jantzen Street. and other side streets. The #6 Tri-Met bus stops at N. Jantzen St.
Esther Short Park is at West 6th and Esther Streets in Downtown Vancouver.