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Tuesday | August 31, 2010

Food Cart Fight
Will Bing's Food Cart Finder best Google Maps' Food Carts Portland!?! The battle rages as iPhone and Android apps skulk nearby.

Go to story: Battle of the Portland Food Cart Apps

Monday | August 30, 2010

Former Transportation Office Spokeswoman Awarded DUII
Mary Volm falls off motor scooter while allegedly intoxicated. Mid-life transportation crisis for would-be Portland City Councilperson?

Go to story: Former Portland candidate faces Ore. DUII charge

Sunday | August 29, 2010

The "go by streetcar" sign at NW Lovejoy and 10th in Portland.

A Streetcar Fuels Desire
Other towns covet Portland's street car success.

Go to story: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-08-30-streetcars30_ST_N.htm

Saturday | August 28, 2010

Electric car cattle prod.

Electric Car Cattle Prod
Oregon's governor pushes an electric car "future" while TriMet eviscerates public transit. Will strip mined coal compete with oil wars as the roadway slaughter continues?

Go to story: Road to electric cars not so easy

Friday | August 27, 2010

Horse teams and hand tools--that's how streets were built a hundred years ago.

Ninety-Seven Year-Old "Green Jobs" Initiative
These employed folks (and their horses too!) from nearly a century ago already had "green jobs." Then cars came along and ruined everything.

Go to story: N Jonesmore Street, 1913

Thursday | August 26, 2010

Burnt Coal Fires Up Young Artists
Kids tell Oregon’s Boardman Coal Plant to walk the plank.

Go to story: In Portland, Students and the Community “Paint Past Coal”

Wednesday | August 25, 2010

Doggy Style: Amtrak's choice of "fly ride" for their doggy detectives shows the rail transport operator has the inner strength to purposefully derail its own train-centric bias.

Canine Cops To Sniff Rails From Portland To Seattle
Amtrak's Vernae Graham claims doggy detectives to thrust noses into "all sorts of illegal substances."

Go to story: Amtrak Goes to the Dogs

Tuesday | August 24, 2010

Portland Casinos Await Voter Approval
Measure 75's passage will bring gambling halls to Multnomah County dog tracks. Coming next: dens of iniquity and houses of ill repute.

Go to story: Ore. casino backers drop lawsuit, voters to decide

Monday | August 23, 2010

Pakistan Flood Relief: Be The Change
As Pakistan's "epic floods" continue, Portland's Mercy Corps dives in.

Go to story: Project: Pakistan Flooding - Mercy Corps is providing clean water, staple foods and clean-up tools to families affected by massive flooding in Pakistan, which has killed at least 1,600 people and affected 20 million people.

Sunday | August 22, 2010

Portland's fake Jimi Hendrix poses with Vancouver B.C.'s actual blonde.

Vancouver B.C. Blonde Does Her Part To Help "Keep Portland Weird"
Beer, Jimmy Hendrix and a "sunny and stinking hot" Saturday Market are all part of her plan.

Go to story: Perfectly Portland

Saturday | August 21, 2010

Portland's Mayor Takes Aim At Loose Cannons
Mayor Sam Adams asks openly female city attorney to come up with new strategies for reducing gun violence in city. Local firearm fanatic Kevin Starrett derides proposal as "a desperate move by a disgraced mayor."

Go to story: Portland Mayor Proposes Gun Restrictions After Rash Of Shootings

Friday | August 20, 2010

Get Folked Up This Weekend!
Over twenty venues co-host Portland's first annual Folk Festival.

Go to story: Portland Folk Festival: For the family

Thursday | August 19, 2010

A TV News Channel To Oblivion
Local corporate media propaganda claims bicycling bad for business. Portland's business community claims otherwise.

Go to story: Bikes bad for business? Not in Portland

Wednesday | August 18, 2010

Salem Witch Trial Hangings

"Mob Mentality" Breeds "Irrational Hatred" In Portland, Oregon
Facebook comments threatening "fat, sick, twisted bitches" with "a tall tree and a short rope" invoke memories of "Salem Witch Trials," when "innocent women were condemned" for supposedly making a "covenant with the devil." Exposes Portland's "ugly side."

Go to story: Why a Mob Mentality, an Irrational Hatred for DeDe Spicher and Terri Horman?

Tuesday | August 17, 2010

Portland-Area Home Sales Plummet 30%
"...it feels like the bottom just fell out..."

Go to story: Portland-area closed sales of homes fall 30% in July

Monday | August 16, 2010

Let's Widen The Expressway To Hell!
Responses to call for a rational, long-term transportation plan:

  • Step hard on the gas pedal.
  • Rack up more frequent flyer miles.
  • Drill baby drill!
Go to story: Get a transportation plan, Oregon

Sunday | August 15, 2010

Portland's "Charms" Backfire
City ends up looking "a lot like Fayetteville."

Go to story: Portland, Oregon Charms CITY A LOT LIKE FAYETTEVILLE

Saturday | August 14, 2010

Lackluster Local Lucre Licks Lone Lesbian Lounge
The Egyptian Club, Portland's only lesbian bar, to close doors for good October 9th.

Go to story: Portland Oregon's Lone Lesbian Bar Closing for Good

Friday | August 13, 2010

As Friday The 13th Dawns, Gloom Lurks In Shadows
Portland forecast: sunny and hot. "Much warmer than yesterday."

Go to story: 5-Day Forecast for ZIP Code 97209

Thursday | August 12, 2010

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Popping Up In Portland
Pentagon covetously sets sights on faraway lands selfishly hoarding large lithium-ion reserves. Possible invasion targets seen.

Go to story: Game Changer: First public quick-charge station for EVs installed in Portland

Wednesday | August 11, 2010

Heartless County Bureaucrats Threaten Entrepreneurial Tot With Hefty Fine
Public outcry assures that seven year-old lemonade impresario gets to take her mom to Disneyland anyway.

Go to story: Seven year old entrepreneur raises cash for Disneyland

Tuesday | August 10, 2010

A Bridge Too Wide
Ten lane span threatens to drive even more highly-dangerous motor vehicles into city. No end in sight to roadway slaughter, fossil fuel depletion, resource war proliferation.

Go to story: Oregon, Washington Leaders Agree On Key I-5 Bridge Details
