Occupy Portland

The purpose of this and other Occupy Portland-related articles published on PortlandWiki is to provide a central repository for all relevant information related to this action that anyone can access and contribute to.
- Q: Isn’t this just a redundant replication of data presented on Occupy Portland’s web site, facebook page, twitter feed, etc?
- A: It can be. If we’re stupid and lazy. Otherwise the Occupy Portland-related articles published here can add value by consolidating, digesting, archiving, expanding, (etc.) the material found on various websites, discussion groups, social media feeds, and so on.
About Occupied Portland
Occupy Portland is Portland's answer to the Occupy Wall Street movement happening in New York City. The occupation will begin at noon on Thursday, October 6th, 2011 with a march out of SW Waterfront Park. The exact location of the camp will be announced one hour prior to the march.
From the official website:
We will gather in solidarity with the ongoing protest in New York City, Occupy Wall Street, and the growing number of cities whose people will no longer sit back watching corporate and special interests run their government. We are citizens of the United States, and this country is ours. We will take it back.
A draft version of the movement's goals, principles, and demands can be found at Occupy Portland - Goals and Demands.
Occupy Portland Communications
To self-organize this work, open one of the links below and list out 1) what needs to be done and 2) what you specifically are able to contribute. To link up with others, leave your contact info such as email (in this format: name AT provider DOT com), Twitter, Facebook.
To join the communication email group go to Occupy Portland Communication email group, then click "Join this group."
The following pages include content:
The following pages do not yet include content. Please help fill them in!
- Occupy Portland Communications
- Audio Recordings of 99%
- Bicyclists
- Blogs
- Cable Shows
- Donations/P.O. Box/Paypal
- Door to Door
- Fliers
- IndyMedia
- Live Streaming
- Mainstream Media
- Motorcyclists
- Note Taking
- Online Social Media Tutorials
- Online Software
- Onsite Equipment
- Posters
- Radio
- Translation
- Wifi Hotspots
- You Tube
- (Please add to this list!)
Portland Resources
- Official Site: Occupy Portland
- Email Group: OccupyPortlandCommunications
- Collaborative writing: MeetingWords
- Twitter
- hashtag: #OccupyPortland, #OccupyPDX, #OccupyOregon, #OccupyTogether
- Indymedia: Portland metro
National Resources
- Occupy Wall Street: OccupyWallStreet
- The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America - 99% Movement
- Tumblr: We are the 99%
- US Days of Rage
- FireDogLake.com
- AmpedStatus - Knowledge Is Power
See Also
Make Revolution Not War | Organized Power | Foreclosure | Portland General Strike | Food Not Bombs | City Wiki | Rally For Peace: Time To Break The Spell | Represent The People
Category:Occupy Portland