Laborers’ Local 483 Unites with Occupy Portland

Laborers' Local 483 unites with Occupy Portland. "You are the hope for the future."
October 9th, 2011
Laborers’ (LIUNA) Local 483
Municipal Employees
1125 SE Madison St., Pm. 206B
Portland, OR 97214-3600
Phone: (503) 239-5676
Fax: (503) 239-5741
Dear Protestors of Occupy Portland:
We are the 900 member public employee union who build and maintain the infrastructure of your City of Portland, including the roads upon which you march today, the wastewater treatment facilities for the public toilets you use, and the parks that you occupy. We support your efforts through our daily labor. More than that, the Executive Board of Laborers’ Local 483 stands in solidarity with the Occupy Together movement to confront the injustice of economic inequality, the scapegoating of working class people, the vilification of labor unions, the exploitation of the unemployed and underemployed, and the corporate takeover of the Americas and the world.
We know you are committed to this fight. We have watched what is unfolding on Wall Street in admiration of the protesters’ courage and in dismay of the apathetic and sometimes brutal response of those in power. We support your “re”-occupation but ask you not to greatly endanger your health and welfare. We need you to stand with us over the coming years. After your occupation is over, it is our deepest wish that you settle in a comfortable place — hopefully a warm, dry home with your friends or family. Your sacrifices won’t be so visible then but your work will be far from over. We ask you to stand up for democracy every single day at your workplaces. Organize with your rank-and-file co-workers no matter what their political beliefs or background. Form or join a union. If you don’t have a job, join us to demand a public works program with living wages and benefits for education, rebuilding of infrastructure, and public transit improvements. When Occupy Portland is over, we will still be standing with you.
Laborers’ Local 483 unites with Occupy Portland. You are the hope for the future.
In solidarity,
Scott Gibson
Kevin Stampflee
Mike Murphy
Farrell Richartz
Wesley Buchholz
Shawn Janis
Richard Beetle
The Laborers’ Local 483 Executive Board