Willamette River

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The Willamette looking southwest from the north end of the Eastbank Esplanade

The Willamette River is a tributary of the Columbia River and runs north through Portland. It is the north-south axis of Portlands Five Quadrants, separating the Eastside from the Westside.

In the early decades of Portland's history, the river was also referred to as the Wallamet or the Wallamette.


On May 18, 2010, sewage was discharged into the river, prompting government officials to warn citizens. [1]

In around May or June, someone urinated in a local reservoir. About maybe 8 million gallons were drained from the reservoir. Should the river be drained and then refilled so as to clean it? You be the judge! You can discuss it at proposals.

Bridges crossing the Willamette River
