Occupy Portland Events
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- PLEASE NOTE: Events listed may be endorsed by the Occupy, or sponsored by people who share the goals of the Occupy movement. In addition, there are listings of free or inexpensive events/activities in and around Portland that are open to anyone interested.
Daily Vigil Join us!
- PLEASE CLICK Occupy the Iowa Caucus Dec 27 - Jan 3 TO GET INVOLVED!
- Fill out the anti-corporate personhood online petition.
Sunday OccuPeace Meeting
- Date: Sundays
- Time: 12:00pm until 3:00pm
- Location: Pioneer Courthouse Square 701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204
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Join the Occupy Portland movement as we gather every Sunday at noon.
We will discuss and plan upcoming events and actions, hold trainings, support OWS nationwide, support each other and our community.
This will be an ongoing nonviolent effort to maintain focus and attention to the issues of inequality that 99% of America face as the result of corporate greed and corruption.
Families and all walks of life welcome. Let us come together in unity and use our voices in unison to bring about the changes needed in our economic system.
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Labor Occupy discussion
- Date: Sun, January 1, 2012
- Time: 12pm – 1pm
- Location: St Francis 1131 Southeast Oak St
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Labor Occupy discussion
Women's Caucus weekly meeting
- Date: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday
- Time: 3:00pm
- Location: varies each time. subscribe to the listserv at http://groups.google.com/group/opwomen for locations.
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Women's Caucus weekly meeting.
Women’s Caucus invites all women to meetings.
Contact: opwomen@googlegroups.com
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OMSI $2 Day
- Date: First Sunday of every month
- Time: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
- Location: OMSI 1945 SE Water Ave. Portland, OR 97214 (located on the east bank of the Willamette River, just south of downtown Portland)
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OMSI visitors pay only $2 per person for general admission on the first Sunday of each month, as well as discounted admission of $5 to the Planetarium, OMNIMAX Theater and USS Blueback submarine.
- OMSI seeks to inspire wonder.
We seek to inspire wonder by providing engaging science learning experiences because we value:
- Learning: teaching, asking questions, sharing, experimentation
- Creativity: making (new) mistakes, sharing ideas, innovating, pushing the envelope
- Integrity: publishing visitor comments, staying open to criticism, having pride in our work, presenting accurate science, supporting honest communication
The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) is a scientific, educational, and cultural resource center dedicated to improving the public's understanding of science and technology. OMSI makes science exciting and relevant through exhibits, programs, and experiences that are presented in an entertaining and participatory fashion.
Special weekend and ongoing programs for families, teens, and adults.
Other details
Parking $3.00, FREE for members
Occupy Satyagraha: New Years Day Potluck
- Date: Sun, January 1
- Time: 6:00pm – 8:30pm
- Location: Friends Meeting House 4312 SE Stark, Portland
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- Come welcome the New Year with good food, good company, and good conversation about our visions and hopes for our lives and our world, as we begin a new circle around the Sun.
Looking at the world around us, we see that ignorance and oppressive power are bringing ever great harm to people and places. We long for a lighter, more compassionate society, and all of us are engaged in one way or another in efforts toward that goal.
After supper, we’ll explore some Gandhi’s thoughts as he embarked on his path of deep service and social change a century ago, a path he called Satyagraha.
- Bring a veg/vegan potluck dish to share and join the conversation. A small donation is requested to help cover expenses, but all are welcome.
Other details
Cost: $5+ suggested donation, but all are welcome
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Spokes Council / GA
- Date: Sundays and Thursdays
- Time: 7pm - 10pm
- Location: St. Francis 1131 Southeast Oak Street
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- Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!
It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on!
- This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.
Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally
- Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
- Time: 12pm – 2pm
- Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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- Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center
Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.
- Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)
We would really love to see you there!
Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil
T.U.P.A.C. meeting
- Date: Mondays and Wednesdays
- Time: 3pm – 4pm
- Location: Central Library 801 SW 10th Ave, Portland, OR
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Meet to discuss upcoming events and actions.
- The United Performing Arts Collective, T.U.P.A.C.
TUPAC is an expanding group of persona who use visual literary, performance art, and music to spread messages, hopes, dreams and goals of Occupy Portland to the greater 99%.
Join us in Dance, Expression, Inspiration, and Solidarity.
- Contact
- occupytupac@gmail.com
- Request to join the listserv
- occupytupac@googlegroups.com
- Follow us on Twitter
Dharma Circle
- Date: Mondays
- Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
- Location: Friends Meeting House, Downstairs 4312 SE Stark, Portland, OR, 97214
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- Dharma Circles invite us to rest in the ease of the present moment.
Frosty leaves as non-dual teachings from the world’s wisdom traditions open into the spacious field of the heart. Reflection, silent sitting, and silent movement soften our boundaries and open awareness of our essential nature, nearer to us than our own breath.
- All contemplative practices and levels of experience (or no experience) are welcome.
The door is open at 6:45. At 7:00 pm we begin with dialogue and dharma reflection, followed by an hour of silent practice.
- Feel free to bring cushions, mats, or whatever is comfortable for your sitting practice (some cushions and chairs are provided).
Grounded in the heart, our actions grow from deep soil to yield fruits that enhance peace, justice, beauty, and balance in all that we do.
In a tumultuous world, maintaining a spacious heart requires attention, intention, and ever-deepening love.
Sangha or satsang is created anytime we are present with others for reflection or practice in the space of the heart, in service of truth. Sharing that intention, our dialogues invite us into reflection on our deepest Being, Mystery, Emptiness, the Beloved.
- Every faith or no faith are equally welcome here.
We embrace human nature just as it is, holy and broken, perfect and imperfect at the same time, and steep together in the timeless present moment, where definitions slip away.
Gathering in satsang, sangha, or a community of practice provides a rich common ground as we travel in the terrain of the Heart.
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$5-$10 suggested donation (All are welcome)
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Agenda Setting and Discussion
- Date: Mondays
- Time: 7pm – 9pm
- Location: St Francis (OPDX HQ, Che Room) - 1131 Southeast Oak St
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Agenda Setting, Proposal Announcement and Discussion
Other details
Proposals and agendas will then be posted online for the Thur and Sun meetings.
TESTN Group Meeting
- Date: Tuesdays
- Time: 10am – 12pm
- Location: Peace House on NE 18th and Tillamook
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T.E.S.T.N Group (Training, Education, Strategy and Tactics for Nonviolence)
Hold a weekly meeting to discuss strategy and tactics of the movement while using our skills and experience to bring nonviolence into every aspect of our lives internally and externally through training and education.
Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally
- Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
- Time: 12pm – 2pm
- Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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- Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center
Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.
- Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)
We would really love to see you there!
Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil
Building Intentional Community
- Date: Tuesdays
- Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
- Location: Peace House 2116 NE 18th Ave, PDX
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Every Tuesday from 4pm to 5:30pm the Peace House (2116 NE 18th Ave, PDX) is hosting a work group to help interested Occupy participants to find ways to establish functioning intentional communities.
Drawing on their 25-year experience of living in community, members of the Peace House will share ideas, resources and "hand holding" with those who would like to get started.
This is an exercise in mutual sharing. No one is an expert in how to live together in community, but together all can learn what is needed.
Bring your vision of what kind of community you want to live in and share it with us.
Together, we will work to bring that vision into reality.
Solutions Full Committee Meeting
- Date: Tuesdays
- Time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm
- Location: The Occupy Portland Office at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, 1131 SE Oak, Portland
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Meet Tuesdays at 4:30 with the whole committee at the Occupy Portland Office
- All are welcome.
Other details
Sunday meetings are for working groups only.
Movement Building Open Forum
- Date: Tuesdays
- Time: 7pm – 9pm
- Location: St Francis (OPDX HQ, Che Room) - 1131 Southeast Oak St
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All are welcome to participate in this open forum!
Bikes For Humanity Volunteer Repair Clinics - Tuesdays
- Date: Every Tuesday
- Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
- Location: Community Exchange Bike School, 4038 SE Brooklyn St, Portland
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Bikes For Humanity PDX(B4HPDX) is a community service project aimed at providing the public affordable refurbished bikes, repair classes & workshop space.
They have 100+ donated used bikes & need volunteers to catalog, clean and refurbish the bikes for bike adoption events.
Shop space has been donated for volunteer training and bike repair. Weekly volunteer clinics starting on Tuesday & Saturday.
Other details
For full details see http://www.b4hpdx.org
Rally for City Resolution to End Corporate Personhood
- Date: Wed, January 4, 2012
- Time: 8:30am – 9:30am
- Location: Portland City Hall - 1221 SW 4th Ave
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- On Wednesday, January 4th, join the Move to Amend Portland chapter as we rally outside City Hall to support and strengthen the proposed city resolution supporting a federal constitutional amendment to End Corporate Personhood.
You can view the Mayor's proposed resolution here: http://www.portlandonline.com/shared/cfm/image.cfm?id=377616.
We will have a few speakers and fanfare before we head inside to pack the council chambers as members of Move To Amend testify before the City Council in favor of a resolution which explicitly supports a constitutional amendment making clear that corporations are not people and money is not speech.
- Wear red and bring signs (signs brought into council chambers can be no larger than 8 1/2 x 11) See you there!
- Rally/Hearing details
- 8-8:30 - Gather at City Hall
- 8:45-9:15 - Rally with speakers
- 9:30 - Enter city council chambers to hear and support our speakers addressing the city council.
- End corporate personhood.
- Money is not speech.
Other details
January 12th at 2 PM, the city council has scheduled the official hearing on the resolution and will likely take a vote. So plan on being at this city council meeting, to offer support and/or to testify in favor of an improved resolution and to support allowing us all to vote by referring language to the ballot.
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Panel Meeting/Training
- Date: Wednesdays
- Time: 10am – 2pm
- Location: St. Francis in the Che Room on SE 12th and Pine
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The first part of our time will be focused on discussion, tips and planning new panel events.
The second half of our time will be dedicated to practicing and role playing, telling our personal stories and taking tough questions.
See you there!
Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally
- Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
- Time: 12pm – 2pm
- Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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- Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center
Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.
- Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)
We would really love to see you there!
Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil
T.U.P.A.C. meeting
- Date: Mondays and Wednesdays
- Time: 3pm – 4pm
- Location: Central Library 801 SW 10th Ave, Portland, OR
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Meet to discuss upcoming events and actions.
- The United Performing Arts Collective, T.U.P.A.C.
TUPAC is an expanding group of persona who use visual literary, performance art, and music to spread messages, hopes, dreams and goals of Occupy Portland to the greater 99%.
Join us in Dance, Expression, Inspiration, and Solidarity.
- Contact
- occupytupac@gmail.com
- Request to join the listserv
- occupytupac@googlegroups.com
- Follow us on Twitter
Action Committee
- Date: Every Wednesday
- Time: 5:30pm
- Location: St Francis 1131 Southeast Oak St
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Action Committee invites everyone to attend and participate in meetings.
Other details
Contact at: actioncommitteepdx@googlegroups.com
Occupy Portland Healthcare Committee
- Date: Tuesdays (except the third Tuesday of every month due to the JwJ meeting)
- Time: 6pm
- Location: The Green Dragon at 9th and Belmont
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This is a group that will focus on direct actions for Single Payer or Universal Healthcare.
- We believe Oregon has a very good chance to be the next state after Vermont to form a Universal Healthcare system.
We will also be working with other organizations in organizing state-wide actions.
- Healthcare is a human right!! Healthcare for all!! Everyone in, nobody out!!
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- Date: The last Wednesday of every month
- Time: 7:00pm until 10:00pm
- Location: Red and Black Cafe 400 SE 12th Ave, Portland, OR 97214
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Join the Portland IWW on the last Wednesday of every month as they host this foot-stomping, rabble-rousing music night!
Solidarity forever!
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Museum of Contemporary Craft - Free!
- Date: First Thursday of every month
- Time: 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Location: Museum of Contemporary Craft 724 Northwest Davis St Portland, OR 97209
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- Museum of Contemporary Craft (MoCC) is a vibrant center for investigation and dialogue that helps expand the definition and exploration of craft.
The Exhibition Galleries, 4500 square feet on two floors, at any time feature multiple exhibitions that look to the present, future and past of craft through the focused viewpoint of today.
Along with featuring some of the leading contemporary national and international artists, exhibitions frequently draw from the rich archives of the MoCC collection, a public legacy of over 1000 objects that documents the active role of both the Museum and the Pacific Northwest in the evolution of craft over the last seven decades.
The Gallery represents craft artists from across the nation working in ceramics, glass, wood, metal, fiber and mixed media.
- Gallery artists routinely visit the Museum for public gallery talks and hands on demonstrations.
Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally
- Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
- Time: 12pm – 2pm
- Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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- Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center
Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.
- Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)
We would really love to see you there!
Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil
Outreach Weekly Organizer Training
- Date: Thursdays
- Time: 1-2:30pm
- Location: The Lucky Lab 915 Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland, OR
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We will run a weekly training after the Outreach meeting.
We will train on many different aspects of grassroots organizing including: canvassing, phone banking, campaign power mapping, running effective meetings, public speaking, Civil Disobedience, etc.
Suggest a topic we can agree on and we WILL find an educator to train us.
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Women's Caucus weekly meeting
- Date: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday
- Time: 3:00pm
- Location: varies each time. subscribe to the listserv at http://groups.google.com/group/opwomen for locations.
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Women's Caucus weekly meeting.
Women’s Caucus invites all women to meetings.
Contact: opwomen@googlegroups.com
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3D Center of Art and Photography
- Date: First Thursdays
- Time: 6 - 9 pm
- Location: 3D Center of Art and Photography 1928 NW Lovejoy St Portland, Oregon 97209
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- First Thursdays FREE for everyone!
The world's only art gallery, museum and theater dedicated to the art and science of 3D!
- About
The 3D Center of Art and Photography, a non-profit museum/gallery, features the best in antique and contemporary 3D imagery. The Center houses everything from antique stereocards to View-Master, contemporary 3D photography, lenticulars, anaglyphs, and computer generated 3D art.
- Every visitor to the 3D Center learns the history of 3D imaging and the three main methods of viewing in 3D.
All visitors receive a new pair of 3D glasses (red/blue) and information on how to make your very own 3D photographs with your digital camera, your computer, the internet and your 3D glasses!
- Includes entry to the 3D Center Movie Theater where you will experience 3D Movie shorts by artists from around the world!
- Tours usually take 45 minutes to one hour.
Find us on Facebook
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Youth 14 years and younger and "Friends of the Center" are always FREE!
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Spending Committee
- Date: Thursdays
- Time: 6:00pm – 6:50pm
- Location: St. Francis, SE 12th & Oak Portland, OR 97214
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Come and be a part of the Spending Committee Meetings for Occupy Portland.
Learn how money is reimbursed or approved to different entities within Occupy, or submit a proposal to be deliberated.
Other details
We needs more members representing committees.
Carrie Medina, Spending Committee P.O.C.
Spokes Council / GA
- Date: Sundays and Thursdays
- Time: 7pm - 10pm
- Location: St. Francis 1131 Southeast Oak Street
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- Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!
It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on!
- This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.
Welfare & Moon By You @ Mississippi Pizza - Free Show!
- Date: Thursday, January 5, 2012
- Time: 9:00pm until 12:00am
- Location: Mississippi Pizza Pub 3552 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227
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- Come see Welfare and Moon By You for free at Mississippi Pizza!
Come support us as we dominate the Portland music scene!
- To listen to Welfare
- To Listen to Moon By You
- Mississippi Pizza Pub
- Date: Thursday, January 5, 2012
- Time: 9:30pm until 10:30pm
- Location: Rose Garden One Center Court, Portland, OR 97227
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In an effort to put food in hungry bellies, we will be gathering at all exits of the Rose Garden after the Blazer/Laker game and asking people to donate their FREE CHALUPA coupons, which we will then donate to homeless outreach programs.
20,000 people per night go to Blazer games if we only collect 10% of the possible stubs we still get 2,000 free chalupas there are 2,000 people sleeping on the streets of Portland every night.
Events like this won't cure hunger, but it will be putting a finger in a leaky dam and raise awareness about the problem in general.
Hopefully with our new uptempo offense we will hit chalupas every night!
Our School: Education Brain Trust
- Date: Fridays
- Time: 1pm – 3pm
- Location: 815 SW 2nd Ave. Ste. 510
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Our School hosts the Education Brain Trust once a week to discuss and brainstorm ideas on the role that Occupy Portland can play in furthering the impending educational renaissance and our current self actualization as a community.
Elder Council Meeting
- Date: Fri, January 6, 2012
- Time: 3pm – 5pm
- Location: St Francis 1131 SE Oak Portland, OR 97214
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Elder Council Meeting
Portland Children's Museum Free
- Date: First Fridays of every month
- Time: 4-8 p.m.
- Location: 4015 SW Canyon Road Portland, OR 97221 (Across from Oregon Zoo)
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- Target Free First Friday Night - Come enjoy the Museum for free between 4-8pm!
The mission of Portland Children’s Museum is to inspire imagination, creativity and the wonder of learning in children and adults by inviting moments of shared discovery.
Other details
Museum members & children under age 1 are always FREE!
We encourage you to take public transportation but in case you drive, there is a $2 parking fee.
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OP Labor Outreach Committee Meeting
- Date: Every Friday
- Time: 5:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Location: Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church at 1131 SE Oak Street
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Need volunteers to facilitate & take notes.
- Proposed Agenda
- 1. Review our committee work, the process for taking on work and moving it forward, and identify changes we should make now to prepare for a busy spring.
- Current Work
- - Community Assembly to Create a People's Budget - May 5th, First Unitarian Church
- - East County Education Support
- Future/Possible Work
- - Unemployed organizing
- - Labor Education
- - Occupy/Labor Panel or conference
- - Workers struggles: PSU Student workers, New Seasons workers
Other details
See Also:
- Community Assembly to Create a People's Budget
- Peoples’ Assembly Organizing Committee
- Occupy Portland Labor Outreach Committee
- Facebook Pages
- Occupy Portland Labor Solidarity Committee
- Community Assembly to Create a People's Budget
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Bmedia Arts & Cultural Friday Night Events
- Date: Fridays
- Time: 7pm – 9pm
- Location: Occupy Office - 1131 Southeast Oak St
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Arts and Culture Night!
Arts and Culture committee along with the Media Coalition organize Friday’s evening events including movies, open mics, poetry slams, local acts, and visiting famous/not-so-famous musicians.
Homomentum: Myths & Legends
- Date: Friday, January 6, 2012
- Time: 7:00pm until 10:00pm
- Location: The Fez 316 SW 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97205
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- Homomentum returns to 1st Fridays at the Fez starting January 6th!
- No doubt our 3rd Season will prove to be as sexy, silly, campy & magical as ever!
Kicking us off will be Homomentum: Myths & Legends, a queer-fabulous journey of epic tales re-imagined through drag, dance, burlesque, performance-art and camp! And of course as always there will be audience participation, MC Max Voltage, prizes, hilarity, glitter & debauchery!
- Expect fancy lighting (colors! strobe!) and more comfy seating!
- Friday, Jan 6th
- Fez Ballroom (316 SW 11th Ave)
- 7pm Doors, 8pm Show
- $5-10 Sliding Scale
- 21+
- Wheel-Chair Accessible*
- More info
- http://www.pantsoffpdx.com
- Our January sponsor
Remedy, A North Portland Neighborhood Health Clinic: Acupuncture, Massage, Naturopathy, Herbalism.
- 2012 Season Sponsor
- PosterChild Distribution
- A promotional material (Posters, Fliers, Brochures, Postcards, etc) distribution company serving community organizations, small businesses, non-profits and arts and cultural event campaigns in Portland, OR.
There is one large elevator, but it's use is limited, so please let us know in advance if you will require it (so we can give the venue a heads-up, and make sure it will be up and running).
Other details
Please email mxvoltage@gmail.com
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Meet fellow Tweeters of Occupy Portland!
- Date: Friday, January 6, 2012
- Time: 8:00pm until 2:30am
- Location: Ringler's Pub 1332 W Burnside St, Portland, OR 97209
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I think that it is time for the Occupying tweeters of Portland Oregon to get together over a glass of beer, wine or soda and get to know each other!
The ONLY purpose of this event is to celebrate our hard work and achievements over the last few months and to get to know our fellow occupiers in a fun and relaxed environment.
Ringler's Pub http://www.mcmenamins.com/257-ringlers-pub-home ♥
I love you all, and hope very much that you'll make plans to be there! :D
Non-tweeters are welcome of course- though as a modern revolutionary, I highly recommend that you get a twitter account! It is a very useful tool!
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Winter Market at Shemanski Park
- Date: Saturdays thru Feb 25
- Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Location: The Winter Market is located in the South Park Blocks at Shemanski Park between SW Salmon & SW Main.
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- Portland Farmers Market launches an inaugural Winter Market at Shemanski Park in 2012!
Enjoy live music and samples of wonderful locally grown and prepared foods.
Shop for winter produce, meats, cheeses, wine, seafood, baked goods and more every Saturday in January and February.
- Hot food, warming soups and covered spaces available to chase away the chills.
- Find us on the web
Dogcupy Portland
- Date: Saturdays thru Mar 31
- Time: 11:00am until 2:00pm
- Location: Bank of America Hawthorne Branch 3757 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR
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This is a creative and PEACEFUL protest to draw positive media attention to our cause.
Who could talk badly about a bunch of God's most loyal creatures?
- We will be meeting at the corner of 37th and Hawthorne, and protesting in front of all 3 banks in the immediate area...
Although you are welcome to protest wherever is convenient and oppressive.
This is a creative way to involve all of our friends who still want to participate in the Occupy movement but don't necessarily want to go downtown. We are showing that the Occupation is more than just downtown.
We also hope that this kind of event will inspire creativity within the ranks of the Occupiers.
- So please join us. I'll bring the dog treats and you guys bring the creative dog signs...
Other details
This event is held in solidarity with the Occupy Portland movement.
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Peace and Safety Meeting
- Date: Saturdays
- Time: 12pm – 2pm
- Location: Backspace 115 Northwest 5th Avenue Portland, OR (on 5th between Couch and Davis)
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Peace and Safety Meeting
SE Neighborhood Assembly
- Date: January 21, 2012
- Time: 3pm – 5pm
- Location: SEIU Hall, SE 64th & Foster
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Occupy movement supporters and occupiers from SE Portland that can meet up and discuss actions, proposals and events in our neighborhood.
- Anyone is invited, all are welcome, invite your friends.
The time is now to get our neighborhoods and communities we live in involved as much as we can. The SE affinity group does NOT by any means condone violence, hate-speech, or abuse by it's members, be it verbal or physical.
- This is a chance to meet up with people in your area neighborhood to promote discussion and change for the greater 99%.
- The only requirements
- Live in SE Portland
- Want to better the world through direct action in coordination with Occupy Portland and Occupy Wall Street
- Free sense of ideas and contributions you are willing to discuss in groups
- Desire to meet new people.
- We plan to meet twice a month until further notice, with work groups scheduled in between as needed.
Updates & such available at : https://www.facebook.com/groups/occupypdxse/
West PDX Neighborhood Assembly
- Date: Sat, January 7, 2012
- Time: 4pm – 6pm
- Location: The Library on NW 23rd and Thurman
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West PDX Neighborhood Assembly
NE Neighborhood Assembly
- Date: Sat, January 7, 2012
- Time: 5pm – 7pm
- Location: McMenamins 430 N. Killingsworth
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Occupy Portland NE Neighborhood Assembly
Inner-Occupational Outreach
- Date: Sat, January 7, 2012
- Time: 7pm – 9pm
- Location: St. Francis 1131 Southeast Oak Street
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Inner-Occupational Outreach
Feather Circle
- Date: Saturdays (temporary change Friday only on July 6, 2012)
- Time: 7pm – 10pm
- Location: Portland City Hall
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Feather Circle (Facilitated by Rumorz)
- Date: Saturday, January 7, 2012
- Time: 8:00pm until 2:00am
- Location: Agenda 2366 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR 97216
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- $5 cover
Come with us on an Epic Adventure to Free the Mind and Soul from the shackles of Illusion and Journey into Infinity ~ Dive deep into the Inner Realms of your Mind ~ Trance! ~ Feel the Bassline in your body as the Rhythms Entrain your HeartBeat, your Breath, your Brainwaves into the Collective Consciousness of all those around you ~ Dance! ~ Find the Light within that connects you to Life, to Humanity, to the Earth, to the Universe ~ Become One With The All ~ Rise Up on a Fountain of Melody into the Atmosphere ~ Go Beyond ~ the Music Will Guide You as You Become the Music and All the Universe Dances With You
- Timeslots/Set Times subject to change
- 8-9:15 - Tasp & Sinensis [PDX]
- 9:15-10:30 - Beau Bot [PDX]
- 10:30 - 12:30 - Willy Electronarcosis [CA]
- 12:30-close - Blue Spectral Monkey [PDX)
~ an Infinity event ~
more information
Sunday OccuPeace Meeting
- Date: Sundays
- Time: 12:00pm until 3:00pm
- Location: Pioneer Courthouse Square 701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204
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Join the Occupy Portland movement as we gather every Sunday at noon.
We will discuss and plan upcoming events and actions, hold trainings, support OWS nationwide, support each other and our community.
This will be an ongoing nonviolent effort to maintain focus and attention to the issues of inequality that 99% of America face as the result of corporate greed and corruption.
Families and all walks of life welcome. Let us come together in unity and use our voices in unison to bring about the changes needed in our economic system.
more information
Communications Cluster Party!
- Date: Sundays
- Time: 1pm – 4pm
- Location: Viking Court (Smith Building, PSU)
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Any committee that wants to join in improving cross committee communication and start solving our challenges face to face is invited to our weekly party/meeting.
- Anyone that wants to is invited to bring a snack or treat to share. Coffee will be available.
Women's Caucus weekly meeting
- Date: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday
- Time: 3:00pm
- Location: varies each time. subscribe to the listserv at http://groups.google.com/group/opwomen for locations.
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Women's Caucus weekly meeting.
Women’s Caucus invites all women to meetings.
Contact: opwomen@googlegroups.com
more information
Theater of the Oppressed play-shop
- Date: Sunday, January 8, 2012
- Time: 1:30pm until 4:30pm
- Location: People's Coop (upstairs community room) 3029 SE 21st Ave., Portland, Oregon
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- Inspiration. Collaboration. Transformation.
The Theatre of the Oppressed is an interactive, physical and playful tool used to investigate situations in which we are denied our basic rights, personally and collectively.
We use theatrical debate, through games and scenes, to uncover the many possible alternatives to real life challenges.
- Every person is an actor in their own life, absolutely no theatre experience necessary.
More information about the global Theatre of the Oppressed movement: http://www.theatreoftheoppressed.org
- Light snacks provided
Please arrive on time (1:30!)
- This workshop is part of the monthly Portland Rising Tide series connecting activism to our daily lives.
Find out more at http://www.portlandrisingtide.org
more information
March to Save the Postal Service
- Date: Sunday, January 8, 2012
- Time: 2:00pm until 3:30pm
- Location: Pioneer Courthouse Square 701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204
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- 2PM Rally at Pioneer Courthouse Square, March to follow
March to Main Post Office (NW Hoyt @ Broadway)
- Congress is getting ready to vote on HR 2309 & S 1789
- These bills would
- End door-to-door and curbside delivery for 90% of postal patrons
- End Saturday delivery
- Close thousands of community post offices
- Close half the mail processing plants
- Force senior carriers into retirement
- Eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs
- End overnite delivery of first class mail
- Save Saturday Delivery & Door-to-Door Mail Delivery
- Save Community Post Offices
Other details
For more information, contact Jamie Partridge 503-752-5112
more information
Occupy Portland Legislative Action Forum
- Date: Sunday, January 8, 2012
- Time: 3:30pm until 6:00pm
- Location: Project Grow at 2124 N Williams Ave in Portland, 97227
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You’ve heard about Occupy, talked about it, now come help shape it! Connect with Occupy Portland’s current policy initiatives, bring your ideas and help form this year’s agenda.
This is an opportunity to learn about Occupy Portland’s policy work, to give your input and join working groups that develop real, actionable solutions.
Learn more about the Solutions Committee.
No Pants & donation drive event
- Date: Sunday, January 8, 2012
- Time: 3:00pm until 8:00pm
- Location: Max Line @ NE Portland: Lloyd Center (Holladay Park - next to fountain, near Max) AND Downtown: Goose Hollow Inn
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This years No Pants event will have a special meaning here in Portland, Or.
- We will be working together with Raphael House of Portland for a Pants donation drive.
If you can donate 1 pair of clean pants in kids, teens or adult size with the size tagged on the back of the pants for easy sorting.The pants will go directly to supporting local citizens of Oregon. The generous support of community donations makes there programs possible.
- Raphael House of Portland is a multi-faceted domestic violence agency dedicated to ending intimate partner violence for good.
They serve individuals and families of all backgrounds, cultures, ages, and sexual orientations. The current state of the economy means that costs for providing food and clothing to the survivors and their children living in shelter have risen dramatically. This is a great chance to donate 1 pair of pants to help a worthy cause. Please bring 1 pair of clean pants to the No Pants party.
- There are two meeting points for 2012 No Pants and you'll meet everyone at whichever route you choose.
There is a leader at each route that will take you on your adventure, at the end we all meet up and head for a private No Pants Party!
Occupy Cafe SE Portland
- Date: Sun Jan. 8th
- Time: 4pm-6pm
- Location: SEIU Hall on SE 64th & Foster
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- Come build community and the movement!
We will have coffee, tea, food & entertainment by donation. No one turned away for lack of funds.
There will be spaces for people to "booth', live entertainment, and arts & crafts.
Small group conversations kick-off every 20-30 minutes to discuss topics of shared interest.
People are also welcome to just hang out and relax, as long as they are respectful of the other activities in the space.
Occupy Cafe exists to inclusively connect people, to share and listen.
The more we share and hear our individual and collective needs, wants and visions, the more powerful our initiatives to create real change become. Real and meaningful change for good comes when we, the people, stand, speak and act together, cooperatively and collaboratively. The agenda is open within the theme of building community and a movement.
Spokes Council / GA
- Date: Sundays and Thursdays
- Time: 7pm - 10pm
- Location: St. Francis 1131 Southeast Oak Street
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- Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!
It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on!
- This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.
Next Week and Beyond
These events are more than seven days away, please jump to each event's page for more info.
- Oregon Zoo Second Tuesdays
- Opdx Livestream Meet & Greet 1 11 12
- Council hearing 1 12 12
- Put Police Accountability in the City Charter 09 January 12
- MLK at PCC 1 13 12
- Dirty Queer 5 Year Anniversary! 1 13 12
- St. Francis open house 1 14 12
- Wayside Stories and Waffles 1 15 12
- MLK Day March & Rally 1 16 12
- Occupy Martin Luther King Junior Day - Monday 16 January 2012
- MLK Day Benefit Concert 1 16 12
- Brown Bag Action 1 17 12
- JWJ Healthcare Educational Workshop 1 17 12
- Occupy Congress Jan. 17th, 2012
- Declaration of Occupy Portland 1 18 12
- Fundraiser for Leonard Peltier March and Rally 1 19 12
- Occupy the Courts 1 20 12
- Occupy the Courts 20 January 2012
- Oregon History Museum Family Day 1 21 12
- Non Violent Communication (NVC) Workshop 1 24 12
- MUSIC FOR THE WORKING CLASS - last wed every month
- (Tailgate Party) Occupy The Superbowl Jan27-Feb5
- Local Candidate Forum Jan. 27th, 2012
- NE Alberta Street's Last Thursday
- Healthcare Committee Education Event 1 28 12
- Mis-Education of Our Youth Portland's 6th Annual Youth Summit 2 11 12
- 2012 Super Tuesday GOP primary/caucus 3 6 12
- Occupy DC - 30 March 2012
- Occupy May Day (Together) 5 1 12
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Bill of Rights
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