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You are invited to OCCU-FEST!Occu-Fest begins celebrating Occupy Portland this Saturday, November 12th at 4 p.m. Join thousands of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, clergyfolk, and families in your community for a good old Portland Potluck with march, rally, music, dancing, FREE concert, and after midnight sit-in-stand-in-bike-by! Fun for the whole family! Portland parks alcohol and drug policies apply.
Occupy Portland “The 99 Percent Rise Up”Letter Carriers Support Occupy Portland! “We share the common value of people over profits, not the corporate value of profit over people. Know that we the letter carriers of the NALC Branch 82, Portland, Oregon, stand with you in this important time and this fight for the rights of the many, not the few.”Solidarity Forever! Laborers' Local 483 unites with Occupy Portland. "You are the hope for the future."
Jobs with JusticePortland and Vancouver Rising, 11 a.m. Saturday, October 22, 2011 Esther Short Park is at West 6th and Esther Streets in Downtown Vancouver.Portland meeting place Northbound I-5 Exit 308.
Portland is number one - Portland is the best, and the worst, in ways you may find surprising.
Local blogs - Portland's diverse and interesting web logs identified here. Please add to this list!
Bicyclists are lovers.
Bicycling Etiquette - Handy bicyclist tips to win friends and influence motorists.
Shelter is a place for people to find refuge from the elements. It is one of the primary components critical to survival for every person: water, food, safety (shelter).
Cascadia is a proposed independent nation in the Pacific Northwest, usually composed of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, that would be formed by seceding from the United States (and Canada).
Cascadia subduction zone , off the Oregon Coast, is home to the Juan De Fuca Ridge, where one tectonic plate moves under another. The Ocean Observatories Initiative landed in Pacific City on July 12th, beginning a new era in oceanography.
If you are not into movies and want a cool hangout, drop by Backspace.
Art! The first week of the month offers First Thursday. Browse through the many art galleries throughout gritty Old Town and the shiny and plasticine Pearl District.